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Changbin was still leaning over the railing emersing himself in Jisungs presence. When he heard a subtle knock on the door before someone entering the room Changbin pulling away quickly and Jisung laying in confusion. It wasn't long enough for either of them, but neither of them would admit it.

"Afternoon Han Jisung. I'm doctor Zhang How you feeling?"

"Better..." Jisung spoke timidly. "Can I get this sat up?" Jisung questioned.

"Most definitely. Here this is the controls. Uhm Ms. Young or Changbin? Either one of you can help and move this as needed. Seeing as Mr. Han will be spending a few days in here." Dr. Zhang addressed quickly showing how to operate it safely without harming Jisung in any way.

Once Jisung felt himself comfortable found it easier to breath and actually see everything.

"So, Mr. Han mind telling us percisely what happened?"

Jisung tensed at the question and it surely did not go unnoticed by Changbin. He saw the small details. The quick swallow, the dialating eyes. The sudden fidgit he was doing.

"I uhm.. Fell. Tripped going down a set of concrete stairs at the univeristy." Jisung quickly managed out. He eyes the water hoping Changbin would give him the cup. He felt his anxiety spiking and that wasn't good.

Jisung quickly caught wind of the desperation and filled the cup giving it to Jisung. He could feel the youngers hands shaking beneath his own while handing the cup. His eyes begging to keep quite.

Jisung wasn't dumb, although he said he couldn't tell Changbin personally what happened that didn't mean Changbin wouldn't see right through his facade. He needed him to play along.

"Those were aome nasty concrete stairs huh? I guess that could make some serious blows to the chest cavity and rib cage." Dr. Zhang wrote the notes.

"Now, to help you get better, you'd be required to stay in the hospital to ensure a safe recovery. No running, no excessive movements. Now, what does need to be resolved is your blood cell count. You have a high amount of white blood cells, and low count on red cells. We need to get proper fluids and proteins into your body."

Jisung nodded looking at the rubber tub connected to his arm, which explained alot. Of course he had more issues then just his rib cage. He just wanted to go home, and by home his dorm or his safe haven. He didn't like the hospital, never did.

Dr. Zhang continued asking questions and by the end of it Jisung was exhausted. He wanted to sleep. Changbin and Casey sat quietly hearing the same things they were told on the way to the room.

"Okay, well... I will check in on you in a couple hours. Its 9:30AM you will have breakfast served right away along with medications."

"Thank you doctor." Casey said. "That being said, I can't stay love, but I'll come back after." Casey smiled weakly bringing herself down to kiss Jisungs head.

"You make. It sound like I'm dying Aunty Casey... I'll be fine..." I muttered, and she slightly laughed.

"Doesn't mean I can't worry about you."

"Take care aunty." Jisung smiled weakly. He was hungry, his appitite was lost though, but he knew he had to eat. It he didn't it would make him stay here longer. It was silemt after everyome left. Just leaving Changbin and Jisung alone again.

The air was tense, but Jisung could careless right now. His eyes felt heavy, his body was beginning to ache and just wanted to really sleep now. Closing his eyes he could feel Changbins stare on him.

"You have Saturday classes, don't you?" Jisung whispered out keeping his eyes closed.

"No, I have training in the afternoon."

"Go back to the dorm. I'm fine by myself." Jisung spoke, with a slow sleepy voice, a yawn breaking out.

"You realise I'll find out eventually the truth Han Jisung. I already have suspicion and I hope I'm right." Changbin lowly groaned, standing up and brushing the hair out of the youngers eyes. His jaw lightly clenched, as he held his breath.

"Don't go looking for trouble Changbin. This is my issue and I will deal with it." Jisung took Changbins hand from his face finally opening his eyes to meet the olders cold eyes. They were frozen in eachothers gaze.

"Please Bin... I'm begging you to stay out of it. If he-"

"He? Jisung... You better tell me its not Seo-Joon. I already warned the fucker not to touch you. If he did, so help me-"

"This is why I didn't want you involved! You'll get into trouble if you act irrationally. Please promise me you won't get involved."

Changbin sighed,

so it was really just Jisung not wanting to cause issues. He didn't want me involved knowing how I would react.


Changbjn finally brought his forehead to thd yougers again. Letting his other hand cup his neck. Jisungs grasp on the olders hand was tight.

"Fine... I won't get into a fight. But you need to go to the police or something. Cause I can't take you hurt like this. I worry for you, far more then I should but I do. I want to protect you, sung. I promised in highschool I would but i failed doing that didn't I." Changbin lightly chuckles. His breathing heavy as he swallowed thickly. He was so close to kiss Jisung.

He wanted to...

More than anything. Kissing on the forehead wasn't sufficient enough for him. He knew the youngers intention. He didn't need anymore information than what he received. Jisung gave it away when he said he. And he keot his mouth shut the moment he said Seo-Joon.

He knew. And it would take everything he could muster not to find the older ass hole and cause mayhem. Jisung could feel Changbins frustration so he did the one thing he shouldn't have.

"Promise me hyung..." Jisung whispered quietly.


"Don't get hurt. Don't hurt anyone for me please..." Jisung pleaded bringing his face closer letting his hands slip through the olders raven hair.

"Please.." He barely got out audible. Before letting his heart take control. His body moving faster then he could process letting his lips graze the olders. It sent a burning sensation through his system. How he missed this. Changbin too had to of missed it as he reciprocated the kiss back. Taking the lead and letting his emotions rhrough.

Jisung missed this.

Changbin missed this..

But would it develope and be more to either of them? Or was it just a mere moment that nothing will come from it. Right now neither of them cared about the reprocussions that would ensue.

"Okay Sung..." Changbin whispered into the kiss. He wanted more, but he could feel the younger drifting off to sleep. Kissing his temple again.

"Get some rest. I'll be back later."

Jisung nodded letting himself fully drift off as Changbin quietly left the room. With two intentions.

One. Keep his cool, and not let his emotions bubble over, it was just in the moment. It probably meant nothing...

And two...

Try not to kill Seo-Joon in the process.

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