Fifty Seven

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Hey my beautiful Soulies.

Please forgive me for not updating this one in two weeks.

Its been about two weeks since Jisung and Changbin got together. Its been the most loving and happiest moments of their life.

Changbin decided to take Jisung to the recording studios as he recently learnt Jisung started playing around with mixing music. But first he needed to try and wake the younger up. He was dead weight sleeping in the olders bed. Of course Changbin refused to let Jisung sleep alone. Jisung has tried many times but ultimately he felt safer in someones arms. That someone being Changbins.

Changbin snuck into his room seeing Jisung wrapped up in the blanket his face being smooshed into the pillow. How he could breathe was beyond Changbins thought process but he knew he was alive when he saw the perfect moment.

Jisungs left foot hung loosely outside the blanket. Changbin smirked to himself and wasn't letting this opportunity go to waste. He gently ran his fingers over the bottom of Jisung foot earning a small twitch. Before using his non-existant nails and tickled, the center of his foot earning a groan and the foot being pulled into the blanket.

Changbin chuckled as he chased after the foot grabbing hold of the ankle, and tickling it. Jisung slowly but surely was shifting and trying to pull his foot away.

Catching on quickly what was happening in his supposed dream that was actually occuring.

"Mhmm... Changbin- Hyung!" Jisung groaned rolling over quickly, before giggles erupted from the younger. He flung his foot managing to retrieve it before he kicked Changbins ribs. It was hard enough to hury him in any form, but enough to know he was awake.

Changbin keeled over lightly laughing.

"Thats not funny! Don't touch my feet Hyung!" Jisung complained whilst pouting curling up into the blanket again. Changbin cooed at how adorable Jisung is when waking up. His hair sticking up in everywhich way like he was Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Jisung was still pouting when Changbin crawled onto the bed to hug the younger.

"Okay babe, I'm sorry... Forgive me?" Changbin cooed earning small huffs from the midnight blue male. He proceeded to poke his cheeks earning little giggles.

"Forgive Hyung? I needed to wake up my beautiful Jisung somehow." Changbin rounded his eyes trying to make himself look defenseless and cute to Jisung, as Jisung pushed the older away gently.

"Fine, just stop being so cringe." Jisung stuck his tongue out at the older, earning a small cheeky smile. Changbin couldn't believe how lucky he was. Jisungs sleepy doe like eyes staring at him with anticipation.


"Yes love?"

Jisung scooted abit closer, letting his lips linger close to his boyfriends. Changbin pulled him closer letting Jisung straddle him. Earning small peppered kisses. Smirking into the kiss, he let his hands roam over Jisungs thighs gripping softly. He didn't want to hurt the boy. They haven't made extremely heavy intimate choices for awhile. They just basked in their warmth of arms.

He earned a small hum from the younger who, let his lips trail away from the olders going into his neck. This made Changbin hum in contentment.

"Sung?" He whispered, but he only got small mumbled kisses against his neck that vibrated, sending Changbin into a state of euphoria. He wanted more. But he wasn't ready to push Jiung to that extent.

Changbin carefully flipped them so he could hover over the younger who was now a blushing mess.

Caressing Jisungs cheeks, as Jisung leaned into the touch more.

"I'm not instigating anything more without consent love."

Jisung knew instantly what the older was refering to.

"I know. But I still want to please you in some form."

Changbin chuckled.

"Baby, you being here is enough for me. I don't need what ever is running through your head okay? I want you in my arms, simple kisses, your affection. I don't need intimacy love."

Jisung nodded, pulling the older into a hug, allowing himself to be engulfed in warmth and his cologne.

Changbin couldn't help but sigh at his boyfriend, when they released eachother. Watching the midnight blue haired male now rub the sleep from his eyes as he dragged himself off the bed heading to the washroom. Once the door was shut, Changbin quickly got himself ready too. He went to his closet still feeling the pain in his ankle, which was only a dull ache. He was thankful he didn't damage it more but the doctors once again said if he wasn't more careful he'd need another surgery.

Changbin changed into acid-washed denim jeans, and an oversized shortsleeve. He grabbed his iconic black cap covering his rough bed head, before going to the dresser to see which accessories he wanted to wear.

Contemplating, he decided just his basic stainless steel pendant. And his usual gemstone earrings.

"Sung?!" Changbin yelled through the dorm room, making his way into the living room, seeing the bathroom door was still shut amd could swear he was hearing very feint sobs. It was subtle, but none-the-less he still heard it.

"Baby? Can I open the -".

Just then the door opened revealing a puffy face.

"What happened love?" Changbin looked at the blue haired male, with such concern and worry. He looked physically fine, emotionally not so much. Jisung rubbed his head lightly out of shy embarassment.

"I was using my shampoo and it slipped in the tub landing on my toes. I'm fine really." Jisung stumnled out, slowly relaxing his hyung.

Changbin sighed with a huge relief.

"Geeze and here I thought it was another breakdown. I was so worried. My angel deserves smiles and love." Changbin ruffled the blue hair that was damp still and earned small smiles and giggles. He never really took the time to see Jisungs thin body. It was getting better, a little more toned, but it was progress. His eyes landed back on the faded scars along his thin waist again. Leaving Changbin pout.

Clearly Jisung saw this and shifted.

"They don't hurt anymore Binnie-Hyung. They are long ago. Just a moment in time, where I did bad things. Theres no need to worry."

"How can I not worry, when your beautiful skin has marks like these? Am I to blame? They are still beautiful and apart of you though. A part I'll still cherish and love."

"I know Bin. Come on, lets eat. You said you wanted to take me somewhere hmm?" Jisung smiled, leaving a small lasting kiss on the olders lips before sauntering towards the tiny kitchen. Although Jisung clearly avoided the comment, it didn't make Changbin feel better, in fact it was tearing him apart from the inside, knowing he was probably one of the sole reasons for the scars jIsung was bearing.

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