Thirty Four

241 21 2


Hey Soulies. Sorry if theres huge errors, I wrote this at 2AM...


☆ミ ☆彡

Jisung wandered the buzzing trails of Kota Bharu district, in Kelantan. His suit case rolling behind him, earbuds in trying to avoid people. Jisung had only just landed in Malaysia a few hours ago. not really knowing where he was going, he finally choosen to stay here to finish his schooling. he wanted away from the prying eyes of the others that became distant memories. He had travelled all across Europe for the summer. He didn't stay down for long. He had 8 weeks of summer vacation and stayed a 5 days each stop. He enjoyed it. He enjoyed not being known anymore. His parents arts still roaming the museums. Encased in glass. He remembers almost every painting they did.

For once Jisung was happy to not be known as the Hans prodigy son. The gifted painter... He enjoyed for once not being known. He bathed in every second as someone would walk past as if he was just another stranger. He loved it.

His parents art was pastels and oils based paintings. Abstract and can be interpreted based on ones ideal about it. Currently Jisung was standing in front of his mothers special cavas painting. A waterfall of different blues and greens. White adding brightness and depth... It was one of his favorites.

If you can't control the current of the river, then don't fight it. Go with the flow.

This was the concept of the exact painting.

☆ミ ☆彡

Jisung sometimes wished he stayed in Malaysia or somewhere else in this world. He couldn't relish in the dreams and happy memories anymore. Jisung felt his body ceasing up. He couldn't move, it was like he was petrified. His nightmare was so surreal that he thought it was really happening. Sweat dripped off his forehead slicking his hair to his face.

His heart rate monitor was set off because of how quick it sped up, alerting the nurses who were on duty.

"Stop! Stop! Just let go of me. Please..." Jisung groaned in the bed. They were panicked because of the system acting up, "I'm fine."

It was the third time it went off. It was either going off because his heart rate was too slow because he would get a few small moments of peace or his nightmares of SeoJoon was digging at him. Each time becoming more and more gruesome and alarming.

He hated when people stressed out because of him. He felt guilty that were dealing with someone whose heart rate picks up at rapid speeds because of being anxious. He was afraid. He didn't like hospitals to begin with but the pure fact his mind was still sitting in the nightmare didn't make his stay any more enjoyable.

Changbin hasn't shown up in over two days, Chan has only ever called Jisung since then and Casey had constantly pleaded apologetically that she couldn't come back since she was at a conference. Jisung couldn't blame them. He wouldn't want people to come see himself either. He pushed a lot of people away recently.

This left Jisung feeling alone. He didn't like this feeling anymore. He should be used to it by now, besides he was alone in several countries alone but what makes here any different?

"Okay, Mr. Han; Mr. Zhang is going to do one for final exam to see if your free to go. He will be with you in a bit." Jisung nodded just praying that the nurses would finally leave him alone. although his heart rate was still increased, he knew it was only a nightmare.

He waited paitently hoping to be told good news. He wanted out of here. Far more than he wanted a few days ago.

He stared at his phone, he didn't have Changbins number anymore. He couldn't ask someone to bring him new clothes, staring at the original clothing he came here wearing. He sighed, but perked up when a doctor came in giving him the okay to be released. When he was given the okay, he put on his old dirty clothes. It didn't hurt to bend and twist but was told to be more careful and to eat better.

He smiled fakely, and nodded as he was signing his own release papers quickly getting the hell out of the hospital.

It was cold and dreary. Light rain pattering against the concrete. The clouds low causing an opaque fog to rest around the city. Umbrellas out, Jisung was only able to put a hood up.

But it didn't dampen his day. He was just happy to not be in a hospital that smelt of old soup. The air was fresh even if it was lightly chilly. Jisung shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them warm, just enjoying the rain.

☆ミ ☆彡

He didn't know what time he got back to the university, though when he got there the first thing he did was grab a change of clothing. He was soaked down to the bone, though he didn't mind that he just wanted a hot shower. He didn't search for anyone, he didn't care anymore. He made it clear even if it hurt to keep people away from himself, and he was going to stick to it.

He turned the tap of the hot water, blasting it as he stripped. Stepping into the new feeling. Warmth. He hummed to himself relishing in the hkt water. Lathering his hair and body, in his shampoos and conditioner, ridding the hospital smell. He was still being gentle around his ribs. They weren't purple anymore, so that was good in Jisungs mind.

As Jisung let the soap fall into the drain he heavily sighed. He wasn't going to be able to hide for much longer. He knew what was going to happen anyways. He would have to go back to classes, he would have to see Seo-Joon and in the end Changbin himself.

Speaking of Changbin, Jisung didn't check to see if the older was there. He deeply wanted to apologize to the older for his choice of words. He just hoped it wouldn't be too late. He thought long and hard when he spent his first two hours out of the hospital in the rain.

He should talk to him. Try and come clean about everything. Was he willing to let Changbin know his father drove him away the first time with his words. He wasn't as affected by them now as he was in highschool. It was now because they used other means.

Would Changbin believe him?

He turned the tap off getting out of the shower, drying himself off and throwing on his new clean underwear. A pair of black jogger sweats, and a muscle tank. Allowing the towel to drip around his neck as he left the bathroom.

He heard a knock on the door of the dorm, but he didn't want to answer. For all he knew it was his nightmare coming to life. Seo-Joon could be at the dorm room right now.

"What are you doing in front of my dorm?"

Jisungs eyes widened as he quickly ran for the door. If they got in a fight right there it wouldn't end well.

Opening it he sees Seo-Joon eyeing Changbin befire Changbins eyes met his own.

"I'll tell you once... Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend. Jisung is mine, so stop toying with him." Changbin growled, not letting his gaze falter on the younger.

"Changbin..." Jisungs voiced wavered. Did he hear correctly?

"Sorry Joonie. But Jisung is taken." Changbin wrapped his arm around Jisung waist pulling him into his chest at a rather close proximity. One last glance before he took his other hand bring it to his neck pulling Jisung in and kissing him passionately.

WATERCOLOR || CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora