Chapter 1

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I never know how to start a story, still don't but here we are. I guess let's start at the beginning before I met her.

I was born and raised in what I believe to be the most boring place on earth but that's just my opinion, Pennsylvania.

Don't get me wrong I love it there is beautiful at times is open and rural in areas and it's calm most of the time, but it's also the only thing I ever knew I had never really been outside of my home state and I think that's where my drive to get away from it came.

I promised myself that I would get out of there as soon as college rolls around, and lucky me I did I got into the college of my dreams. Studied for a creative writing major and graduated last year

Growing up in a very dull setting like I did caused me to figure out ways to entertain myself especially when I was a kid and my parents were working and I was alone in my room. This lead to my imagination to run free while alone. I could be anything, that's probably where my love of creating stories came from.

And lucky me when I was about 7 my grandma brought over some of her old comic books, at first I didn't really care, she just wanted to show us how 'back in her day reading material was only 10 cents' blah blah blah. But when I picked one out I fell in love as I started reading "Tales of Suspense, the Crimson Oynamo Strikes Again." It was the first Iron Man comic book I ever read, the first of many I might add.

From that on I read every single one of those comics Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Deadpool.Any of the X-Men or Fantastic Four. You name it, I read it.

And this was just the start of the obsession as soon as the movies came I was hooked.

I learned that I just like reading any book big or small it gave me something to do, I loved reading when I rained that was my favorite. It was the most relaxing.

It's fun to read something that's nothing like your life and become that person saving the world or being an assassin in the 17th century. It's fun to imagine being something impossible.

So that's how I decided that I wanted to be a writer, I wanted to create a whole new world with my own words.

I would be lying if I said my father didn't influence my decision, he was also a writer he loved his work he was dedicated to it but he always tried to make time for me.

When I was five he passed away, a long fight with cancer. I don't remember much about him  but I heard stories about him all through growing up, it was almost like he was never gone. But he was.

I was left with my mother and my brother who is three years older than me we were never close but we were still siblings and I would do anything for him.

My mom remarried a normal boring guy named Bob we never got close so I didn't really care about him, but he was a nice guy at the end of the day so I was happy for my mom.

Even while I'm away I call them every day just to check in and see how there doing.

Now it's time for the interesting stuff.

The year is 2021 and the month is October.

I did not have work on this particular monday and it was in the morning so I had the rest of there day free for me to do whatever, so like any rational person would do I went to the Central Park zoo.

What I really like monkeys.

Plus there's not a lot of people there on Mondays in October.

There were still a good amount of people there but it essentially to crowded, of course I made a beeline to the monkeys even if that part of the zoo smells like shit.

When I got there there was already a woman standing there she had blonde hair and was only slightly shorter than me but I'm not that tall so you could describe her as short it was hard to tell by only seeing the side of her face but it looked like she had brown eyes.

She was very focused on the exhibit in front of her you could tell she was enjoying it though, by the huge smile she had on her face. She was pretty when she smiled, who am I kidding she would be beautiful with or without the smile

As much as I love monkeys I couldn't keep my eyes off her she was perfect, and just my luck while I was gaping at the women she looked over, just to meet my eyes.

And of course I tried to make it look like I wasn't being a creep but I know she saw me look away.

I thought she would walk away from her could be stalker but instead she walked over until she stood right next to me.

"Hello I'm Florence."

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