Chapter 17

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After an amazing home cooked meal, the reality of everything set in, my famous girlfriend is now officially my famous girlfriend. Well she always was but now the whole world knows. Like anyone and everyone.

Even as I thought about it nothing changed I was still in love with this woman so I guess it's not that crazy, I just can't believe it.

While I was in my own head going over everything, Flo yelled something I was eat laying much attention to, but I heard the door close so I knew she left. I wasn't to worried, maybe I should have been.

In the middle of my realization I got this amazing idea for my book and as always the pen just took off writing something, I must have had my head in the page for a while because I head Flo yell, "I'm back!" Through the apartment, and I head another door close. I was still in the middle of a paragraph so I kinda ignored it for a moment trying to finish my thought.

When I finally put the pen down I shook my hand from the small cramp I acquired from the continuous writing.

When I finally pulled my head up Flo was no where, I called her name a few times. She had only been home for 20 at most minutes, I called her name a few more times still no answer. At this point I was worried, I checked every closed door, I eventually made it to the bathroom and knocked on the door which so happens to be locked. I knocked again and called out for her. When there was still no answer I knocked again and said her name even louder.

Again with no answer I raised my fist to knock on the door but before my hand could collide with the door it swung open, revealing Florence without a shirt on and her hair cut shaggy and short, and brown. And when I say she looked amazing I mean she looked amazing.

So amazing that when I saw her my jaw hung loose almost like loony tunes. Not only was she half naked but this hair worked amazing for her. I mean she was beautiful to begin with, but I maybe had a thing for brunettes.

"Holy hell." I said out of breath

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"Absolutely." Was all I could say I was still stunned. "I mean you look amazing."

"Oh thank goodnesses." She said and hugged me. "I just wanted to do something to get my mind off everything for a bit."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into our room and layer her on the bed, "sleep does wonders isn't you try it." I said laying down next to her. She laughed and sat up.

"Look what it does." She brushed it back with her hand and then nodded her head once causing all of her hair to fling forward standing up to look like an odd mohawk.

I laughed at her and fell backwards on the bed almost passing out there, but before I completely dozed off Flo found her way right in my arms. I have no idea how she could be stressed about us when we get to sleep right next to each other every night.

Okay so I lied I I still wanna included Iris finding out about the black widow movie but we're just gonna pretend like they finished filming before she dyed her hair soooo,😬Respectfully Fuck you

Love Eliza💛

Also here's the pics from her Instagram.

Also here's the pics from her Instagram

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