Chapter 34: The webs we weave

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Jack was pushed unceremoniously into Beckett's office, and he glared at the retreating soldiers while rubbing his aching wrists. Thankfully, they'd removed the heavy cuffs but Jack was well-acquainted with Beckett and knew that the lack of shackles could mean something far more dangerous.

The shorter man himself was standing in a corner of the opulent office, staring out the rear windows of his ship. Beckett didn't turn even when the doors to his office were shut behind Jack. Instead he kept his eyes on where the Black Pearl was harnessed to his own ship as he spoke quite casually to his guest.

"Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack."

His words fell on half-deaf ears; Jack wasn't interested in whatever Beckett had to say until the man got to the heart of the issue. He knew Beckett well enough to know that Beckett would ramble tediously for a while yet, as though speaking from a carefully prepared script. So instead, Jack took the opportunity that Beckett's apparent preoccupation with his thoughts had created. Slinking his way silently around the office, Jack began to peer around corners, opening small chests of papers, trinkets and other useless things and peeping into jars and drawers all while Beckett kept talking.

"Perhaps they no longer believe a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman, and so despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?"

Those words did register, even if Jack tried not to react. Still, he couldn't quite help glancing down at the 'P' that would forever be branded into his upper right arm. As Jack ruminated, Beckett finally turned back to face his office

"It's not here, Jack."

Jack feigned confusion, quickly removing his hands from Beckett's things as he turned to face the other man.

"What? What isn't?"

His act didn't fool the other man although Beckett was quite content to reveal in a contrastingly impassive tone, "The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain."

"By my reckoning, that account has been settled." Jack flashed a smile, his gold teeth glinting as he strolled casually across Beckett's office.

"By your death?" Beckett gave a mirthless smile as he pierced Jack with his cold, almost colourless eyes. "And yet here you are."

Jack just shrugged and waved his hand airily.

"Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by."

He made to turn away, feigning interest in a portrait, but he paused as Beckett did what he had always done best: poke him right in the blistering, bleeding wound.

"And if Davy Jones were to learn of your survival?"


Annalise was still scowling heavily as she watched Beckett's men, including his right hand man whom she recalled was called Mr. Mercer, stomp about Jack's ship. Barbossa was unusually impassive beside her but Sao Feng appeared to be equally as displeased as Annalise to see the Navy soldiers striding about and he approached the EITC gentleman firmly.

"My men are crew enough." Sao Feng hinted testily. But Mercer sneered.

"Company ship, company crew."

Before Sao Feng could continue his argument, Will strode up angrily from where he had been watching the proceedings with equal dislike... and growing distrust.

"You agreed. The Pearl was to be mine." Will reminded the pirate captain severely.

Sao Feng gave the younger man a sneer not unlike the one Mercer had given him.

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