Chapter 8 Leverage

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The storm had died down by morning, leaving behind only a dreary fog that seemed to get thicker the closer they got to their destination. Annalise peered over the side of the Interceptor, staring out at what little could be seen. She noted the sharp rocks that seemed to jut out at every side, and the various bits of wreckage that laid proof to the many who had fallen to the lagoon's traps.

"Dead men tell no tales." Cotton's parrot croaked as they sailed deeper into the lagoon.

The crew had joined Annalise at the ship railings, staring out as a grim air fell on them and Gibbs commented flatly: "Puts a chill in the bones how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage."

Annalise glanced down at the waters, shuddering as she spotted the distinct outlines of sharks swimming below. Will meanwhile glanced back to the helm, watching as Jack closed his compass when Cotton – who had been standing behind the captain – stared at it.

As Gibbs turned and started to get them ready to weigh anchor, Will followed him. Annalise trailed behind as well as Will questioned: "How is it that Jack came by that compass?"

"Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta." Gibbs replied. "That was before I met him, back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl."

Both Annalise and Will turned to Gibbs sharply, asking: "What?"

Gibbs blinked, looking suddenly sheepish as he realized he'd compromised Jack a bit. Will turned to look over at Jack again as he said flatly: "He failed to mention that."

"Well, he plays things closer to the vest now." Gibbs shrugged, recovering. "And a hard-learned lesson it was."

Annalise glanced at the man curiously, and Gibbs explained: "See, three days out on the venture the first mate comes to him and says everything's an equal share."

Annalise raised a brow at that, while Gibbs continued: "That should mean the location of the treasure, too, so Jack gives up the bearings. That night there was a mutiny."

Will also turned to look at Gibbs, surprised at this turn of events, and Gibbs explained enthusiastic that he had an attentive audience: "They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat."

"Ah." Will murmured softly in realization. "So that's the reason for all the..."

He swaggered a little, mimicking Jack to indicate what he meant. Annalise snorted, but Gibbs was not amused as he explained: "Reason's got nothing to do with it."

He sat down on a barrel as he told them: "Now Will, Miss Annalise."

They sat down beside Gibbs, listening closely as the man explained: "When a man is marooned he is a given a pistol with a single shot – one shot. Well it won't do much good hunting or to be rescued."

Annalise nodded thoughtfully, seeing the truth in his words, but then Gibbs revealed: "But after three weeks of a starvin' belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly."

He placed his two fingers to his temple to indicate what he meant and Annalise blanched while Will's eyes widened in understanding. Gibbs grinned at the effect his words had had, before he went on enthusiastically: "But Jack, he escaped the island, and he still has that one shot."

Annalise remembered his pistol, with only one shot for which Norrington had mocked him, and suddenly it all made sense.

"Oh, but he won't use it, though, save for one man." Gibbs was finishing. "His mutinous first mate."

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