Let me be perfectly clear that this whole story isn't my fault.

"'I can't believe my stupid sister had to go and get herself killed.' That was the first thing I said when I found out she died. Initially, there was shock. But then I realized, 'hey, it's Karli Morgenthau, one of the most wanted people in the world at the moment, so am I really that surprised? Nah.'" I said, earning a few halfhearted chuckles. I looked around and saw the faces of the few kindred souls who had enough human in them to attend the funeral of my little sister.

"Don't get me wrong, I cried about it for days. I mean, she's my little sister. The thing that got me mad was that she didn't tell me when Momma Donya died. And that she actually took the serum. But then I got this feeling. This feeling of 'who would dare kill my family. Who would dare even TOUCH my little sister, whom I would kill for, and not just in Valorant.' That's a video game, for the oldies around." I earned a few more chuckles. I took a deep breath.

"But then, I realized that you can't change someone's death. Destiny, fate, call it what you will, but it is bound to happen. You are gonna die someday. Now, this ain't some TVA shiz, cuz we do have free will, but y'all probably don't know what that is. Read the comics y'all. EDUCATE. Anywho, I lost the point I was trying to make. Uhh... go forth and... spread positivity! Oh, right. She was bound to die at some point. I just didn't think it would be so soon. I understand though, that her little 'gang' were dangerous. They had inside access the things you couldn't believe. They had an insider, in case you were wondering. I personally know the person, and they are actually really great. Hope you are doing well. I know Karli meant lots to you too. But to all of you watching or listening, I just have one question. Was Karli's cause all that bad? I mean, the whole 'it was better during the blip thing?' Yeah, Karls, nah. I wasn't blipped. I personally like it better with the people back. Now I am older than JZ. HAH SUCK ON THAT LOSER. But was her cause really that important that she had to die for it? She was willing to die for something you senators barely batted an eyelash at. Something that was important to her, her gang, and millions of people around the globe. Think about that. Oh, and thank you for coming to honour my sister, no matter what she did. And thank you, Mister, or Miss, 'Killer of Karli' for killing my sister. Without that, I would have never decided on revenge. And scene." I put down the mike, and walked of the stage. I got some disapproved looks, but I mean hey, it's not your fault I own nothing but hoodies, shorts, sweats and cargo pants. And that one random over dressy top that I wore to Comic Con. My phone started vibrating like crazy.

"Damn it. I gotta get outta here. JZ started streaming and wants me to join his game. Damn damn damnity damn damn damn." I muttered, looking at the notifications on my phone from IMessage, Discord, Twitch, and Instagram all from JZ.

"Well, your friend JZ can wait. I have important matters to talk with you about."

I spun around, mildly recognizing the man's voice. My face lit up in recognition as I discover it was The Falcon- er sorry, I mean- Captain America. He is so cool.

"Hey it's Samuel! You were friends with my sis, right? Congrats on become Captain America! Now, you can never be 'Capsicle,' but you can be 'Cap...anator.' Yeah. I'll call you that." I smirked. He rolled his eyes, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Thank you for the support. I appreciate it. But you said you were related to Karli?" he whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm her older, cooler sister dingbat."

He looked shocked. "First of, wow. I can definitely see the resemblance. Second, how old are you? You act like a teenager, but Karli is almost 20, so there is no way you are a teen."

I chuckled. "Yeah I get that a lot. I'm actually 25. I hang out with some extremely immature humans- if you can even call them humans- and we love insulting eachother and belittling eachother and acting like children. You should watch my YouTube. I'll do a shoutout." I grinned. He looked shocked, again.

"You are 25? Really? That's a big age gap from 19-25." Sam noted. I nodded.

"Yep. My parents decided they didn't want another child. Then Karli was conceived."

Sam laughed, shaking his head.

"I feel like I'm talking to a child." he muttered. I scoffed.

"I am not that immature. Anyways, what did you want from me again?"

Sam paused, as if forgetting why he was here. Then he seemed to have remembered.

"You said you knew who the insider was. The insider who got the Flag Smashers-" I snorted at the name "-their inside knowledge. Can you tell me who that is? We need their help. Important business," he announced. I took a step back.

"You want me to just reveal who they are? No strings attached, right? So what's in it for me. Why should I have to tell you this?" I snapped. Sam looked taken aback.

"Woah woah calm down Spitfire. There is no need to get so aggressive. Yeah, rewards will be given, to you and the insider. And yeah, no strings attached. I swear." Sam rushed. I snorted.

"It's Jamal, not spitfire. And sure, I'll take you too them. Tomorrow. Bring who ever you want. She - yes it's a female, deal with it- likes visitors. She doesn't get out much. Meet me here Tomorrow 7 am. Don't be late. She loves punctuality, and being unpunctual results in what she calls punishment. Or in other words, she won't speak to you." I whispered. He nodded and left me. I pulled out my phone and called JZ.

"Why didn't you join my stream. I told everyone that it was gonna be a Cota and JZ video, and then you didn't join. What the hell?" Jared Zachary screeched into the phone.

"Hi to you too. Thanks for checking up on me at my sister funeral." I hissed. The line went silent.

"Oh was that today? Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought it was tomorrow- Dakota- I- Ah I can't make up for that can I? I don't have a good excuse either. I've used 'I forgot' wait to many times. Cota, will you kindly forgive me? Wait- OMG THE INSIDER SAYS SHE WANTS ME TO BE BACK UP TOMORROW FOR A MEETING. DAKOTA HOLY CRAP." JZ screeched. Again. I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"Woah that's cool Jay. By the way, I'll be there to. You won't be able to see her until the visitors come. Guess who the visitors are? SAM WILSON AND ANY BACK UP HE BRINGS!" I shouted, fast-walking back to my Townhouse.

"Oh my gosh. No way. That's awesome. HOLY MACARONI 'N' COW CHEESE. COTA-FrankfurtSkilled wants to join my Minecraft server- Cota, JOIN NOW. HELP ME. ITS FRANKFURTSKILLED!" he screeched. For a third time. I sat down at my desk and joined his game.

"You idiot. That's not him! That's Franksfuryskilled. Jay, come on. You made me excited for you for nothing. Now c'mon, let's go make Karls a monument."

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