"You ready for your first reveal since Karli?" I murmured. A nod of approval. I walked to the door and put my hand on the door knob.

"Now introducing, The Sage!" I shouted and opened the door.

You should have seen the confusion on their faces.

"Where is she?" Sam asked. I bit the inside of my cheek so I didn't smile. Understanding dawned on Bucky's face.

"Wait... you're the Insider? or the Sage or whatever?" He asked, incredulous. I smiled and nodded.

Sam, Bucky and JZ looked shocked, and still confused. I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers, my outfit changing from ripped cargo pants and a black hoodie to high rise ripped black jeans with thigh holsters you could barely see, a dark maroon hoodie underneath a leather jacket, and my classic maroon toque and white converse. So basically all I changed was my leather jacket and my pants.

"Yes, I dress to impress. Impress myself that is. I don't need to impress anyone. How do you like the look Jay?" I said, turning in a circle. His face broke into a smile.

"It's cool. My best friend is The Sage. Wow. I never saw that coming." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Neither did Pietro." I mumbled.

"So we aren't gonna question how she did that rapid wardrobe change. Cool." Bucky nodded sarcastically. I snorted.

"It's magic Barnes. Also it's called a run in with the Infinity Stones. It's pretty sick. I mean like cool, sick. Not barfing sick. Just to clear it up for the old man in our midst." I bit back a grin.

Bucky scrunched up his nose.

"Now, I'm not that old!" He protested. Me and Sam snorted at the same time. We have eachother another suspicious side glance.

"Your what, 108? That's pretty old my guy!" I raised an eye brow. Sam nodded in agreement, and Bucky huffed, clearly recognizing it was a lost cause.

"Whatever. But how do your powers work?!" He asked. I sighed.

"So, while Thanos and his minions were in Wakanda, so was I. I'm good friends with Shuri. We often play Minecraft or Valorant together. Anyways, I came because she needed help with Vishawn. For some reason, the Mind Stone really liked me. It glowed brighter when I was around. It was really strange. I was actually in the woods, looking for Vision when Thanos appeared like, in front of me, so y'all apparently couldn't see me. I went up to him and tapped his shoulder, and he turns around and says 'Who are you and what do you want. I'm this close to wiping out half of the universe.' and I looked him in the eyes and say 'hello Mr. Grape.' and he pokes me with the gauntlet and the stones glow weird and bright and then I'm back home in my bed watching reruns of Friends with my favourite book in my lap and a mocha latte from Starbucks. I guess the stones saved my life or something. I don't really know. Anyways, after the blip, Iwas watching as Tony snapped, and I felt this like, weird feeling in my bones and blood like I was changing. Next thing I know, I have Wanda Maximoff type powers and some other crap. It was pretty cool. I scared the daylights out of my friend Calum when I made his dog Duke float. And then I turned his bucket hat bright green. It was hilarious." I grinned. They nodded, finally understanding.

"Speaking of Calum, how is Duke? He was sick a couple days ago, wasn't he?" Jay said. I glowed.

"He's fine. Petunia, how ever... she's also fine. Hah! I got you didn't I?" I chuckled at Jay's worried expression. He huffed. Once again, Sam and Bucky looked confused. What's up with them always looking confused!?! It's not that difficult to use your brain. Ugh.

"My friend Calum's dog Duke was sick. His friend Luke, also my friend, has a dog named Petunia, whom JZ obsessed with." I rubbed by temples. Sam nodded.

"Did I hear something about Luke and Petuni- oh hey uhh The Sage. Umm, I am here for a meeting..?" My one of my best friends, Sydney said, teleporting beside me. Yes she teleports. Deal with it.

"Syd, it's ok. These guys, the Avengers, know who I am and stuff. Don't worry. And I was just explaining to the two losers who Petunia and Duke were because me and Jay were talking about them." I put my hand on her shoulder. She smiled.

"Hey! I am her bestfriend. One of them anyways. Me and Cota met JZ and some of our other friends online. Once we found out we all lived close to each other, we all got together and it turned out that none of us were 59 year old men who wanted to kidnap us. And our amazing friendship bloomed. Cota and I went to school together in Switzerland, where we grew up. And then we both moved to America once we graduated. We both went to the same University and were in most of the same classes. Not on purpose mind you. Except she got her masters in Fine Art and I got a Masters in Marine-Biology-" she ranted. I laughed, putting my hand over her mouth.

"Shhh! We barely know these dudes! No need to tell your whole life story." I shook my head. Sydney blushed.

I waved my arms dramatically and a table appeared.

"Why'd do you that?" Sydney gaped. I shrugged.

"My legs hurt and we need somewhere to sit."

"No, I mean, why did you do that dramatic arm wave."

"Honey, I have known you longer than JZ had been alive, considering he missed 5 years of his life. You know how dramatic I am." I flipped my hair.

"It's both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more on the curse" JZ uttered, earning a few chuckles from Bucky and Sam. I flipped him off, and he feigned an offended expression.

"Anyways, let's get down to business. What do you need The Sage for?" I asked, smirking still at Jay. Sam cleared his throat.

"We wanted to know what information Karli had, and how you got it."

"Ahhhh. That- I see. Well, the information was just who supported the Flag Smashers, who had safe houses, who had supplies, who had- you know what I mean? And also the whole thing with the Senate, you know.  As for how I got it... a bit of hacking here and there. Not of it was legal. So you can arrest me if you chaps would like." I sighed. Bucky spoke up.

"No, we won't arrest you. Don't worry." He smiled. I smiled back, and Sam smirked, nudging Bucky. He rolled his eyes.

"Is that it?" I asked. Bucky nodded, whereas Sam shook his head.

"I also wanted to talk to you about Karli. To give you my condolences. She was a great girl, no matter the crap she did and the people she killed. She believed in her cause so much. She gave it her everything. You should be proud. All of you should." Sam said. I nodded my head, and Sydney wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I lent back into the crook of her neck.

"That means a lot, Sam." Jay smiled sadly. Sydney hummed in approval.

"You have no idea." I murmured. Bucky gave me a sad smile.


i have decided to split the chapters and make the smaller so it looks like i've done more chapters :p

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