My jaw dropped. Not only was Capanator early, put he was half an hour early. And he brought the Winter Soldier. He is so cute- he's like a little demonic angel. Yes, that's a oxymoron.

"Capanator! Gotta say, I am extremely surprised you are this early. Usually people come 5 minutes before hand, or right on time. Not -let me check- 28 minutes early. That is a first. I am also surprised you didn't bring back up. Just the metal arm dude. Hey Barnes." I said, waving to Bucky and Sam as I got out of my car. Sam smirked.

"You are truly welcome, my leige," he said, bowing. I blinked, looking at him confused. I opened my mouth to speak, but someone interrupted me.

"I have a question, Morgenthau. How do we know you aren't just leading us into a trap?" Bucky growled. I looked at him with a blank expression. I looked at Sam. They both had very serious looks on their faces.

"Oh my god. You guys are serious? I-" I burst into laughter, "- you- I- Please- Me? Lead you guys into a trap? That's-" I leant against my car, my body barely able to stand up.

"What's so funny?" Sam questioned. I breathed in.

"Why would I lure y'all into a trap? C'mon, that's ridiculous. Why would I lure you? To make you listen to my stream? To feature you in my stream- hey... that would be awesome. you wouldn't mind doing that would you? As- as paymen-" I cut myself off. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry sorry. Getting carried away. Guess all that schooling did nothing to help my focus. Where was I... right right. There is no reason for me or the Insider to trap you. So you can believe me and get in my car, or you can not believe me and get in your car and leave. Your choice. Well, you and Barnes' anyways. Tick tock. You got like, 10 minutes until we gotta be there, and it's about a 7 minute drive. So, you got three minutes. Hurry." I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes, my cheeks hurting from smiling. The two looked at each other and nodded.

"I- is that a yes or..."

"Yes it is a yes, 'dingbat'" Sam smirked. I scoffed.

"You can't use that. I used it first. COPYRIGHT! POLICE HELP!" i shouted playfully, getting into my car. Bucky and Sam kinda just stood there.

"You dense gits. Just get in the bloody car." I snapped, my accent apparently wanting to get thicker. Once again, Sam looked shocked.

"You have an- oh yeah. That makes sense. Karli had an accent. So it would make sense that you had one." Bucky muttered. I locked the doors.

"Why are the windows so dark,Morgenthau?" Sam asked, suspicious.

"We don't want you to know where she is. Unless she wants you too. Then you will know. Cuz she'll give you the address and the instructions. Speaking of instructions, I have a few. First off, we call her 'The Insider' but do not, I repeat, do NOT call her that. Call her Sage. No, it totally has nothing to do with the Valorang character." I whispered the last part to myself.

Sam looked at Bucky, who was just staring at me through the front mirror. I stared back at him in the mirror.

"Hey pal, stop staring. I can feel it. I'm gonna crash. It's- it's unnerving. Samuel get him to stop. Oh my god. I swear to god you two-"

Sam laughed. Bucky cracked a small smile. I grinned a little. We pulled into a parking spot and I shut off the car. I turned around.

"We have 5 minutes. Any questions?" I asked. Sam raised his hand. I cocked an eyebrow at it.

"What do you do for a living."

"Ahh. I knew that was coming. Well, open your mind. I am a Youtuber and gamer. So I get paid from YouTube because of my subscribers, and I get paid to test new and upcoming games and mods." I said. Sam looked mildly impressed.

"I also helped create minecraft when I was in high school. I created Valorant with Riot Games. I teamed up with the dude who developed Fortnite and helped them too, with my PhD and all." I straightened. Sam looked surprised. Shocker.

"You have a PhD?" Bucky asked, probably taking the words right out of Sams mouth.

"Just cuz I am a gamer doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a PhD in Computer Science/Game Science. I also have a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts and a Masters Degree in English. And would you look at the time. It's time to go. Get out boys."

Sam and Bucky got out of the car, looking shocked. OMG THATS NEVER HAPPENED.

"A PhD, A Bachelors and a Masters degree. Wow. That's a bullet I didn't see coming." Bucky said.

"Pietro also didn't see that coming." Me and Sam said at the same time. We gave each other suspicious glances. Buck2yyjus9y looked confisedZ0.

I led them into a dark and mysterious building. It actually wasn't that dark. Or mysterious. It was just an old Walmart warehouse. I converted it though. It's super cozy.

"This way. Follow the yellow brick road. Or my totally clean white converse. Your choice." I motioned for them to follow. I led them to the coziest and most threatening room. The Sage's room. I stopped outside the door.

"She'll be here soon. I'll have to go get her. Oh, and don't mind the strange man in the corner. He's supposed to be extra Security, but he's a bit of a fangirl for The Winter Soldier. Just warning. He'll be all over that shiny metal arm in no time." I warned befor w pushing open the door. They followed me inside.

"Wait here and sit down if you'd like. I gotta find her." I walked into the room that connected to this one.

"Sage, they need you." I said. A simple hum in agreement was all I heard.

"You ready for your first reveal since Karli?" I murmured. A nod of approval. I walked to the door and put my hand on the door knob.

"Now introducing, The Sage!" I shouted and opened the door.

ON HIATUS 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 || 𝙗. 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now