Chapter 7 The Council Part 2

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Meeting The Leader of Battalion Troops 

after  4 hour  since  meeting with Elissa    now  his next stop  to  meet with Demarion  walker a ex military in Republic of Eimpus  he join the military age  18  he was  top of his class  and  he  out perform  everyone in his class doing most danger  training   mission   and he  complete all the  training with out   break a sweat after four year in the military school   finally   graduate   so now was deployment  in  military  but  command warrant officer saw  his potential  so they put  him in elite squad company call omega,   he  went on most  dangerous  mission  and classified mission   over past two year  he complete  15 different   mission after four year  he be came first lieutenant but  one thing  about  Demarion   that   he join the military not to fight for the country   he join because  he  going to build his  own crime organization in the  next  four  year help  most dangerous warlords  help to drug smuggler and weapon  inside eimpus  he was become so  powerful  but his cocky got his self caught, after  being caught  Demarion  was honor discharge  form the military  he will be  sent back to    republic of eimpus  face criminal charge, doing transport    Demarion see  three guard  one is  drive, one is siting  next to  him watch him  and  last one  who have the key he is wait  for the  right time to  escape  but  he realize  that he doesn't need  a key  Demarion     so he broke his hand   to escape  handcuffed   the  guard  see Demarion  free from his handcuffed   but it was to late  Demarion  push back the guard and grad him use as a  meat shield   he  take the  guard gun form the holster  ,  he  shot guard with  key  kill him   other  use   as a meat shield   torn him around    shot point break in the head the last  guard who drive  stop   to   pull out him gun but  in up   get kill, Demarion got out the vehicle   to walk  way that  was the last time anyone saw him.  

Meet with  Demarion Walker 

Dexter; so  who next 

Mr. boss ; it Demarion 

Dexter;  wait  what    for my respect Mr. boss   but Demarion  do not let  everyone  surprise  him  with out  notice him trust me  learn  my lesson  vary first  time i did that he all more kill  me .

Mr boss;   don't worry  about that he not going to kill you  truth me you are to important for my  business but you will be fine

 Mr boss  hang up   right  now Dexter  feel like he in a  tough spot  but   own thing  he have to do  keep his cool and  convince Demarion  that it  , the drop ship land   door open   the  first person he see is Demarion.

Demarion;  Dexter  what the hell  are you doing here.

Dexter;  hay Demarion  nice to see you  again  i just here to take.  

Demarion;  you want to  take   with out  any notice  the last time  you did that  i about to kill you give  me  reason i   should kill you  now.

Dexter; i  understand that  you don't like  any one  show up in  the lest second but just hear me out you won't be disappointed   new weapon i will show . 

Demarion;  just a minute  i all  ready has enough  weapons .

Dexter;  but weapon i have  are different and powerfully  that give you and your  gangs edge in the fight.

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