Chapter 10 risk we had to Take part 3

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The finally moment  

Lieutenant Benjamin Allen  know that  they are  in death  situation  run  out of ammo   the enemies are  getting closer   on there position  he know this is his last  moment  he put out picture of his  family  know  that  he  will  not see them  again    but  As republic guard he had do his duty so  start shooting  at  enemies   to  kills  many as he can before    run out of ammo , toby lane  fighting  off the enemies  till he  was shot in the shoulder  falling  off the plant    lieutenant Benjamin Allen  try to  radio in toby lane  but  he not answer   he think  toby  might be dead  but then  plant   door blast open  Benjamin Allen  see  stun Grenade  it was always  ready  to late. 

Everything  just  got worse 

In   the capital of republic  the prime Minister   just  finally finish a meeting     and  meet with his assistants but they had will bad new  that  going  to horrify him.

Prime Minister Darius: thank you all   waiting  for    me  finally  meeting  so next for me  wait  minutes   is anything  is ok you what kind  bad new you had for  me.

Cayden hays: Sir I need  you to understand that we got call that  your daughter  plane   never  arrived  at the airport  

prime minister  Darius :   what you mean my daughter plane  did not arrive   at the airport  what  happened to my daughter. 

Ellie Olsen:   Sir   this  will be a lot  to take in the ceo  cell us  that daughter  plane   cash  in flaibia   and  he  say  before  they lost radio  contact   he was  hear gunfire   in background.

Prime Minister Darius:   My daughter plane  cash  in flaibia  how   she might  be dead or    she be anywhere  in flaibia  scary  for her life  ok ok ok I  need   calm down  and take deep breath   Cayden hays  I need  you to call 4 generals    come to  capital  to emergency  meetings . 

Cayden hays:  yes prime Minister 

Prime Minister Darius: Ellie Olsen   i need head of  republic guard  and  republic  Air  force now and I need drone  , satellite  images  to find  where  is my daughter .

Ellie Olsen: yes  sir 

Time is run  out 

Had been  3 hours then the generals  arrive  at the capital  for  emergency  meetings with  prime Minister  rank general  name are lieutenant  general  Noah Willis,   general  Thomas Riley,  general of the army  Ellie Emily , chief of  staff air force  Oliver Davis and  leader of  republic guard  David brooks   all enter room  to begin  the meeting. 

 Prime Minister Darius: so  any information   on my daughter   on flaibia  I want to know  that  she is still alive.

Lieutenant  general Noah Willis:    sir  if we did sant drone     it just  going  shot down   they had anit aircraft   so we do not had eye on the country .

 Prime Minister Darius:  general Thomas Riley   options do  you had .

General Thomas Riley:  my plan was  night  assault   but we do not had any information what  weapon capability  they can  using  against  our    navy  ships  including  we are taking  a lot of risks to sant  soldiers  might  be kill  and  with out  no information  where  your daughter is we are walking  in  to flaibia   blind that it big risk .

Prime Minister Darius: what   other  options   do we had because   time is run  out  and I need my  best  general   to give me   options  my daughter  is  not soldier  she not training  to survive   she is just  a normal  girl  want to  come home   please give plan to work  with. 

General  of  army Ellie Emily: prime Minister  I understand  how you feel but    every  options  we are looking  at      might  having  risk of casualties  i konw that you want  to get your daughter  back  buti agree  with  lieutenant  general Thomas Riley  with no information where  your daughter is  in flaibia  but right now we Need     better  solution  with out  starting  a conflict. 

Leader of republic guard David brooks:  prime Minister   in this  situation   my republic guard   are the I had  they protect daughter   any costs  but right  now  we  Need to  find your daughter.

Chief of staff air force Oliver Davis: prime Minister I  had a solution  the division   they  had most  dangerous  mission  and fight enemies  line   this is right  job for them division  and    the  division  is  only  solution  we had get your daughter out of flaibia.

Prime Minister Darius:   Oliver Davis  is right   the  division   had best rceod doing dangerous  mission  take out  dangerous   enemies   so give me the commend of division.

Chapter  10  Risk we had to take  End.

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