Chapter 3: New Rise Enemy

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at  the rivermouth town the  people  are  will peace civilians everyone in the town  work will hard  day after  day   and   some spend time want there family   teenagers go to school  it was like a normal day  to  them  but  that  will charge they in the town , after school  matt ,Scott  ,Sam, Emily  decided to  go to the shop to but some food   they  always  do thing to together  but this  will  will be the  last time they spend  time  together, Scott  his  friend are walk in   town  to the shop  but   everyone  stop  because they see a  giant smoke coming at them   people are confuse  where did  this smoke  come form  people think might be a joke till   gunfire  shoot at   them  kills everybody  in  sights   it  a bloody massacre,    Scott  and friend   start to  run  far as they can away  form the  gunfire  one  of the the built  exploding    behind them  Scott  and his friend still run away form the gunfire but  doesn't  matter  far they run sound for gunfire get close and close till he see  a helicopter  he  wave his hand  to get  there  attention to help them  then  helicopter  was shot down   spiting out of control  crashes into the    building,    Sam    came was still on  everything   in the town  was record   till the impact of the exposing  hit Sam knock him down .

Sam try to get up but  realizing  he is  stuck   matt run  towards  Sam to help him  till he was shot multi shot  drop  on the ground   he is bleed out  Scott see two of his best  friend in trouble  he don't know what  to do  then  he look back  to see  police officers   coming   to help ,one  of the officers  stop to help  Mett , the officer  use  medic kit   to stop the bleed for Mett after that   the officer  put matt on the  stretcher, he  tell  Scott and Emily   go to mark shop  certain of town so both   of them    carry  matt   to  safe,  polices  officers are fight   the   terrorists    Matt  in middle  in a   battle  he try to free him self   but the gunfire has stop   they don't know why then  officers  hear spin sound  come form the smoke  Sam  know that sound it was a minigun  Sam tell the officers to get down   but  it was to late for them the minigun start  rip the officers apart  kills them all   two   officers   shot and kill  both dead  officers  fall on matt   now he will  stuck   he don't   know  how to get out    in bad situation  then he  see  some one coming  out of the smoke,  they are  the terrorists one of them took out a  grenade launcher start to shoot random   at  the direction  where   Scott and Emily   going    both of them are run fast  as they can carry  Matt  so they can find safe in the  big mark shop   certain at town  but then exposing  start  hit every where around them  both of them run a way from the exposing till they finally  got out the kill zero ,  Scott  and Emily  see  the  mark shop   they  carefully walk  toward   to the door   Scott  start to knock  on the door hopefully  some  one come  but then  officers  open the door  both Scott and Emily  enter the  shop  Scott  see   some many people who escape  for the attack  two doctor  took Matt  so they can treat his wounds,  Scott  turns around  look  back  if he make the  right decision to  leave his best friend behind.


before Roberts  death   he was work  with his assets    to set up a meeting till  the door  behind  him door  he got up  see how the door   he  look  around  at the hallway   he do not see anyone  there  so he true around     then he see Ripper.

Roberts:  Ripper  what you doing here  the meet   with  your is tomorrow 

Ripper: the division is here  you have be compromise 

Roberts: what   how  that  doesn't matter  you have to get me out o here now

Ripper: you  do not   understand  your situation    i  not here to help you  i here to kill you

Roberts:  what  kill  me  you can't kill me   your boss  need me  i have  viable information assets  i be work for year  your boss need.

Ripper ;  well  thing  is  that my boss convince  most all you assets to  work with me do  you  understand that  my boss is a business person  reason why my boss   invest   in to you so yo can give him  information  going  on in  the  world but now   he realize that  your  waste his time .

 Roberts; wait just give me  more time i can do this.

Ripper run toward  Roberts  put his blade out stabbing him in the throat Ripper push Robert dead body  on the ground  before he leave  he walk to the laptop  start to download  all Robert information after  the Ripper destroy the laptop.

  Ripper; this is Ripper  report in in the mission is complete i have all the  information we need and ready for the next mission. 

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