Chapter 4 The Six Organization

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after 8 hour the team finally arriver  at the  division military base   to  reported  to command center  on there mission     the team  at c command room to wait  for the commander   till he walk in     look at the team wait    for a answer    from the team  Randy  step up to take responsibility    before   Randy  say  the Commander stop  him.

Commander;   before   you  say Randy  i  going to let     you guys know that this  mission  was not  successful  are a failed  but i still want to know what happed  to  target  Ghost   it was your  job to get him.

Ghost:    i  went  inside the room till i  saw  target  dead body  cover in blood   i did  search  the room  but  i  did not find any usefully who  even he was work with   do not   want him to talk .

Commander;  Kayla   you did hack the camera  in the  build  right  did you see anyone.

Kayla  no sir   only person i saw  is Ghost.

Commander; Kevin  do  you have some thing  to say.

Kevin;    do  you think  who  kill the target    was there  after  we land to start the  mission.

Randy; what do you mean.

Kevin;  think  about  litter   who  even kill him  infiltrate's  the building    kill  the target   left  without anyone know   who even  he was work  with  do not want to  take the risk   so  they  have him kill.

Commander;  ok  everyone   we want  to find out who  did this but    we have bigger problem  now.

Randy; what is  going on commander.

Commander;   well  we be  investigation  this weapon deal markers   least   five  month we  find that  six  organization   are  part sell weapon  to   anyone who have the right price for  them but here are three of them.

Randy;   commander  you say  we   deal  with  six  but i only see three   why is 

Commander; well because   we only   have  information  on three   we  still investigation  last  three   if we get more  information on  them we let you know  but right  now  we  focus going after   first  three,  here   is the first   one  is  battalion trooper  full of gang   recruiter  for the street we did not take them  serious  but  over a year  they become more dangerous.

Randy;   do we have any in intel who is there leader

Commander;  no we don't  but    who even is it has to be ex military  because   gangs are use military tactics  now  over pass three year  they more organized   use   different tactics combat police and  battalion trooper  are responsible attack around  republic  of eimpus  it got to point that   government  have to use national guard  to  patrol city, battalion troop  will so far to  attack neighborhood  and   they do this so no one  get in  there way   they don't care who you are if police or politicians  battalion troop will kills   you show no hesitate.

Randy;  they smuggle  drugs and weapons  they kills police office   what are they plan 

Commander;  we   do not have  informant  for that but  we will soon but here  next organization  we are target is   Nemesis they  are    dangerous  it come to use information against   any one   like  military, politician ,   and government personnel, Nemesis do anything to  have more  power  in  there hand  to  control  anyone they want.

Kayal; this is why are country   don't  do business  with  festeara  because of  Nemesis   over year they be kidnap  important people in the government  and blackmail politician as way  for  them  to  have more influence in government.

Commander;  kayal  is right that why we work with  other country's convince them  not to do  any business with shierus  and  we know that  every journalist  are  involved  to  expose  Nemesis but   each time journalist get closes  they go missing or assassin Nemesis will do  any thing necessary gain   more power   but that  want stop us  going  after  them.

Commander;  here the finally one for today  we  call them  Serpent  they    involved  thing we all hate most   is   human trafficking    we  be   getting   report  form five   country  that people are in up missing   some are young teen. police investigation missing  people for month in    nefreinia  but private investigation name  leo gonzales   who be investigation human trafficking  for years  with his information he  got us  we think  partitas  help serpent .

Kayal; wait  politician  help  serpent  do human trafficking  but  why get involved   organization that  sell peoples for money.

Commander; we  do not know but we going to find  out  who even is it pay for there crime  but  everyone    go get some sleep  it going to be long year for all of us i know the mission did not go well   right  now need to  be prepared to  fight  most  dangerous  crimes even be dismiss.

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