Chapter 2 The Target

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Commander:  here is the target  name is Owen Roberts   he was a  freelancer   business own   who travel to other country   sell of trade with  other  company  but  he start to get involved with  help  criminal gang  to   smuggle drugs to  other country  and   he was profiting from  black market.  but he was so   caught  try make money  someone  who be work  with  him decided to sell  out   Roberts  information  to    us  so we use that to go after him  asset, business partners  after that happen he escape  so he be on the run for 5 year.

Kevin:  wait a minute this guy being on  the run for 5 year how did you find  commend.

Commend:   the target location  in  tower mithril    and    he be stay a  building  last  two month who even  help him  get   he know what going on in the  black market  and  we need him alive to interrogation him for more information.   

Commander: we  search  all the area  we   spotted  4 guard  protect the  front gate   but  rest  of the guard in the   building . now    get ready for  your mission .

Randy: yes  commend  hay  everyone time  for the  plan,  this how will going to get the target  Kayla  use your drone to fine  the security room  to hack  the cameras so we can  fine  what flood is target in and   jammer their radio to, after Kayla  fine the  target   ghost will  infiltrate the build  to the get target.  me and Kevin go  back of the build to set c4 on  vehicles  so  they don't chase us  then we  escape with target  and wolf will contact  are  ride so we can  escape the from  the tower.   everyone know   the plan  so gear up  for the mission.

after 6 hours late the team arrives at  the  destination   they all  drop  off at the  location point they all meet up ghost to start the mission  Kayla use her drone to fine  the  security room  look around the build  till she spotted the  room,  she use her  drone  to get will close  to hack the security cameras  she successful  hacking  all the cameras  in the build  and she start jammer  the radio so  enemy guard  can't contact  each other, randy and Kevin start to pace the c4 on the vehicles  Kayla  use  the hacking cameras till she spotted halt door open she think that might  be the target room  so she radio in  to ghost.

Kayla: ghost  the target is flood 6h  get there now.

ghost: roger that move out

Ghost use his cloak gadget to  initiator the building   running fast as he can  pass all the guard till he  reach  6th flood  look  around   which room is  the target in   then he see  door haft open  he walk  towards to  door to open it till  he  find  the dead  body  of Robert,  he  check his  body to fine  any useful but   ghost did not   find any information, so he  content  his team about the target tall them what  happen. 

Ghost: this is   ghost i fine the  target  dead 

Randy:   what do mean  his dead   ghost we need him alive.

Kayla:  ghost you have two guards  come your way you have to get out of there now.

before ghost  leave the  room  take  pic  body of Robert  then he see two guard walk in the room   so use his cloak gadget, the guard see dead body of Robert   they  cell  security room but  own thing hard is sock  ghost see  guard are distraction  so he run out  the room  fast as he can to   till he reach  1th flood  to exit out the of the building to regroup  with his team. 

Randy: wolf contract  the  driver to get here out  we are ready to pick up.

wolf: roger that

Kevin: look it ghost he is here. 

Randy: ghost i don't know what happen but  we will  talk about this   after we get  out of here , wait they just the guard  raise  the alarm  Kayla i need  you  here now.

Kayla:  roger that i just need to get my drone  then i be on my way. 

Kayla  got her drone now  she start run to  regroup  with her team the diver  everyone got in  the  car  but randy  want to  wait litter  long for  Kayla   but  driver  want to get out  here before the enemy  start  to chase  them  down but  randy   hard a voice  that  on his division  watch tell  him towing around it was   Kayla run at  them she got in the car, the driver  start  drive  out  the tower   but   he hard  giant exposing  all the vehicle  was at the parking lot destroy  so  the team don't  need worried about the enemy chase them,  they are at the extraction point wait to to be pick up   by the drop ship but  randy walk toward  ghost  with a angry face.

Randy:  ghost the mission to keep the target alive  he was the own person will give us information  so happen.

Ghost: like i say before  he was all ready dead then i   got in side the room 

 Kevin:  hay both you guys need to stop  the rider is here  we  can  talk this at the base. 

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