Chapter 9 Risk we had to Take Part 2

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Behind  enemies  line

A fight about  to begin    republic guard  going   hold  off the enemies  hostile  till Segment Elsie  Lee team  escort the princess  to safety and signs for help  but   lieutenant Benjamin Allen  see army  of hostile   coming  for the west    he  throw smoke   to  cover  Segment Elsie Lee  so her team  run  fast  to get out the  kill zone to find  place  to regroup   Elsie Lee  did  not look back  important  is that she needs  get the princess  to safety   that her mission right now  lieutenant Benjamin Allen see that the smoke  is all most  gone  so he  know that  this is his   last mission  As republic guard but he see enemies  hostile  charag  at them 

Lieutenant Benjamin Allen:   ok every one  here they  consume  your ammo and make sure each shot  count     we had give  Segment Elsie Lee  team   time   to get the princess  to safety  even that this might  be are last  understand. 

Republic guards:  yes sir. 

The Battle 

Lieutenant Benjamin Allen:  let   enemies hostile get   little  close   on my order  open  fire on them.

Republic guards : yes sir 

enemies hostile  charag  at them   with no fear get kill   most of them booster  up with drugs make them feel  unstoppable  to kill in battle   Toby lane  see   the enemies  with no fear in their eyes  they are  ready  to die   in battle .

Toby lane: lieutenant  the hostile  get   closer .

Lieutenant Benjamin Allen: wait  little  closer   and now open  fire on them  now.

Republic guards start  fire at the enemies hostile  gun the them down  some try to take covers  but still  getting  shot   at , Toby lane   see hostile  try to flank  them but he is wait for them start  to fire at  the  hostile   kill  them all  and  toby lane see some try to get back up  but  he shot at  them make  sure  they  all dead. Lieutenant Benjamin Allen  and  republic guards  are  take out every  Enemies   they   see in the field  kills them  all one by one it a kills  zone for enemies hostile.

Lieutenant Benjamin Allen: Toby lane  is are  flank  being protect  we do not want  the  enemies  behind us. 

Toby lane:  yes sir  take out any hostile  try to flank  us  make sure  of that.

Demarion third command  of   Name   zalen daronte  help recruited    for battalion Troops  army and responsible  for  attack  on police  stations   and take down  any one's  who get Demarion  way.

 Zalen daronte: Demarion  wait  should  we finish  them off now .

Demarion: no  not let keep  sent the grunt   they going to run of ammo  soon  and Zalen daronte  I need  you to take squad  of Battalion  to  north east    wait  for my  order   then  attack  thier  right  flank  I going to show them   how dangerous  I can be.

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