Chapter 12

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"I know a place out in the bush that you might like," Collin said. "Get a swimsuit and we'll leave right away."
"Are we leaving now?" Kayla asked excitedly.
"Yes, we are." Collin smiled at her.
"Alright then, I'll start packing my things."
A few minutes later, they were ready to go.

Collin and Kayla headed into the rainforest, Collin driving the truck. Kayla looked out the window at the surrounding desert; a sea of sand and in it an island of green. When the two of them got into the forest, she took it in the softened sunlight and the sounds of the birds. This is home, Kayla thought, smiling. This is where I can stay safe.
She turned her head back towards the window, but couldn't get over how beautiful this place was.
Her eyes sparkled with the first hints of hope for the future. Kayla was starting to believe in a new beginning. One filled with laughter and smiles.
"This is the trail," Collin said, parking the truck and interrupting Kayla's thoughts. They walked towards a river and into a clearing. In it was a beautiful waterfall.  It cascaded down from a ledge in front of them and dropped in a series of falls, each one more beautiful than the next. Kayla stood with a smile on her face, mesmerized by it all. The waterfalls falling through the trees were hypnotizing as she sat looking out at the scenery around them. She had seen parts of the world before she was kidnapped, but never a place like this. There were no monsters here; it was a paradise. Collin grabbed her hand, pulling her along.
They made their way to the falls.

"I love it!" Kayla exclaimed. She flew into Collin's arms, wrapping hers around him. "I love it here, it's beautiful," Kayla said, her face buried in Collin's chest.

"I'm glad that you like it." Collin wrapped his arms tightly around her.
"I've never seen something so beautiful before," Kayla added. She lifted her face out of his embrace and smiled. "This is wonderful. Thank you, Collin...." Kayla said, reaching for Collin's hands. She held them tightly in hers and squeezed them.
"It's no problem, Kayla," Collin smiled. He squeezed her hands back. He looked down at her and smiled.

"We should go swimming," Collin suggested. "Do you want to?"
he asked.
Kayla nodded her head vigorously. She wanted to jump into the clear cold water and let it wash off all of the grime she accumulated from years in prison, years of being starved and beaten and abused. Years of living with fear and despair. Years of being afraid, being hurt. She finally found happiness. And he brought her to it. To this place. Where everything felt so familiar and so peaceful that it made her feel at peace. He brought her to this place and she could feel the warmth of the sun again.

"Yes! I loved to swim before I came here," she said.

"It's a great swimming hole. A lot of kids from the village come here; there are no salties (saltwater crocodiles) in this stretch of the river."
"Well, you're sure you wouldn't mind?" she asked.
"No, I don't mind," Collin replied. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground, exposing his muscular torso. "You wanna join me?"  he asked.
Kayla blushed a little as she stared. He had
a very sexy body and was absolutely gorgeous. He was fit and toned, making her blush more.

Kayla walked to the riverbank and put her feet in. The stones were smooth and cool. She waded in until she was swimming in the chest-deep water. It felt good on her skin. Then, she sat behind the waterfall, feeling the mist on her face. She closed her eyes, enjoying the gentle spray of the cold water.
She was wearing her swimming suit under an old shirt. She noticed that Collin was staring at her; she smiled.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing. You look beautiful when you're relaxed," Collin said.
She smiled again and looked at her feet. Collin came and sat beside her. Kayla felt so happy, she scooted next to him and put her head on his shoulder. Collin put his arm around her in response. He stood, and held out his hand.
"Come on, I got something I want to show you."

Collin led Kayla up to the top of the waterfall. The sun was shining and filtering through the trees. It warmed the stones beneath their feet. He took her hand.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"For what?" Kayla asked, confused.
"To jump, silly."
Kayla jumped back from the edge. She wasn't expecting that.
"If you're scared, we'll climb right back down," Collin assured her. Kayla looked at the water below hesitantly. She turned her gaze to Collin.
"Hold my hand?" She asked quietly. Collin held it a little tighter.
"Always." He answered affirmatively.
They both counted to three and jumped in. The river was so cold it stung. Kayla's head burst out of the water first. She was taking in some air as Collin came up to the surface. Her hair was stuck to her forehead, and she shook it away. Collin swam next to her, noticing her smile.
"I can't believe I did that!" Kayla exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.
"That was awesome!" Collin yelled.
"Wasn't that great?" He asked, smiling.
"Yes!" She squealed. He didn't expect her to put her arms around him. She looked up at him, and before he could stop himself, he kissed her on the lips.
Her breath gasped in. He broke the kiss at the sound, knowing how she might react to it.

"Sorry." He answered lamely.
Kayla didn't seem upset. Surprised, maybe, but not upset. She held on to Collin a little tighter.
"Don't be sorry." She said, smiling. "I liked it."
Kayla kissed him on the cheek.
"Then we're good," Collin said. He put his arm around her again. They swam together, side by side until they were tired. They climbed onto a rock, and sat down, leaning against each other.

Kayla rested her head on his chest. The two of them had been having so much fun, relaxing by the river and talking to each other, forgetting about the world outside.

The two of them got out of the water. When the sun dried them, Collin wrapped a towel around Kayla. The trip back to the outpost was very quiet; Collin was having some self-doubts, wondering if he did the right thing by kissing her. Kayla looked out the window, letting the warm air dry her hair.

They reached the outpost and Kayla climbed out.
Collin helped Kayla out.
"Ready for dinner?" he asked.
"Yeah...that would be great," Kayla replied. She was looking forward to it.
Kayla followed Collin inside and to the kitchen. As a treat, Collin found some ice cream for dessert. He was trying to make it feel like a regular birthday for her. He wanted her to have more fun, to enjoy herself. That's what she was craving.
They went to bed late that night.

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