Chapter 40

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The gate loomed ahead. It was right there. Collin pulled the steering wheel to the left, and the truck bounced and turned; the tires groaning in protest.
The truck stalled. Collin knew that he had run out of gas.
"No!" He screamed. "I can't give up. I won't." He put the truck into drive and gave it gas. The wheels spun in the dirt.
Minutes were probably all they had. The truck couldn't have made it much further. He could see the gate, it was half a mile away, maybe a mile.

Collin looked at Kayla; her chest was moving up and down, but her breathing was so shallow.
"Hold on, Kayla," Collin said. "Hold on."

He slid out of the truck. He opened the door to Kayla's side. She was too weak to protest. He got Kayla out of the truck. Her breath was ragged.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I'm sorry." Kayla trembled and Collin hugged her to him. He tucked her head under his chin.

"Just don't leave me," Kayla said, holding onto him. She shuddered and he wrapped the blanket around her. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too. Just hold on." He said. "It'll be over soon."

Collin hugged her close to him.

Collin looked out at the gate. This wasn't the end. He shook his head. "I won't let it be the end," He said. "I won't let you go. Just a few more minutes."

"I'm so tired..." She whispered.

"Please, baby," Collin begged. "I'll carry you.... just a few steps. Please?"

Kayla tried to speak. She took half a step and her legs gave out. Collin caught her and he fought to get his hands under her. She was so light in his arms. "Just one more step," he said. "Just one more. Please."


"What baby."

"It's so cold." Her voice was so weak.
"I'll keep you warm." He said, wrapping the blanket around her tighter. He held her up. Her chest was barely moving. He couldn't do this without her. He was too scared to let her go.
"It's gonna be okay." He whispered. "I need you."

Kayla's eyes opened and she coughed. A thin line of blood came out of her mouth.

"Shhh...." He whispered. "Don't talk. Save your strength."
Kayla struggled to breathe. "I'm going to die."
Collin shook his head. "You're not."
"Collin," Kayla wheezed, holding her stomach. "I'm scared."
He wiped it away with the edge of the blanket.
"We're gonna make it," Collin said. "We're gonna pull through." His heart was pounding. "Don't talk like that, baby." He shook his head. "You're not going to die. Okay?" He cried.
She stared at him.
He looked at her. "Hey. Hey, look at me, baby. Stay with me, stay awake, okay? I'll get us through. Just hang on, baby. Hang on."
"Collin, I'm scared..." She said, struggling to breathe.
"Shhhh..." He hushed her. "It's okay, just hang on. I'm gonna get you help, baby. Hold on. Just keep going. Can you hear me?" He kissed her forehead. She nodded. "Can you try for me? Can you try to breathe?"
"Good. Try for me, Baby. Breathe."

Collin felt as if someone had punched his stomach. "Baby, please....." He said, closing his eyes.
"Collin.." She whispered.
"I can't lose you, Kayla." He sobbed. "Not now. Please. Not after everything we've been through. Please." Collin pleaded with her.
"Collin, I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you, Kayla," Collin said, looking into her eyes. "I love you so much." He cried. "And I'm so glad that I got to spend every single day with you. I want to take care of you forever. I want us to have kids. I want us to grow old together and I want to spend the rest of our lives making love to you until our bodies break. That was our deal, remember?"
Tears streamed down his cheeks. "Promise me you won't go."
"I promise," Kayla said, coughing. "I love you, Collin."
"Shh, shhh, it's okay," Collin said, brushing her hair back from her face. "You're gonna be okay."
"Collin...please help me...."
Collin's lip quivered. "Hush baby, I got you. I know, we're almost home." Collin rocked slightly.
Kayla grabbed hold of Collin's shirt. He kissed her forehead. "Don't cry, baby."
"I'm scared." She said.
Kayla started to cough. Her body shuddered from the pain and fever. She squeezed Collin's hand with all the strength she had. Collin felt the strength leave her grip and he kissed her again. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
Collin knelt down next to Kayla. He held her against him, trying to keep her warm.

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