{Random relationship headcannons}

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I randomly got a bunch of motivation so here ya go-

+ On your birthday he makes you your favorite foods all day +

+He will steal hoodies all.damn.Day+
+ If you suggest going to like a fast food place for 1 am dinner he will literally go into full tiny country man fit and it's adorable seeing him so upset over you wanting McDonald's or something+

+If you wanna vent about Anything he will always be there to listen+

+When your hanging out with him in public he is V E R Y Protective but not over the top+

+During the holidays y'all make so.much.food+

+ He will say random Gordon Ramsay quotes in his sleep +

+ Once for Halloween he went as Gordon Ramsay and you went as an idiot sandwich+ (this one kinda a joke but like-)

+When you guys watch tv shows he is usually super invested to the point where he's like "uGh this b I t c h" when something happens on screen+

(A/n: ik this was kinda random but motivation just decided to come- I hope y'all doin good and gn)

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