{Relationship Scenarios}

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wOw first set of relationship scenarios let's a go
(Not requested)

{ How you met teruteru }
+  Y'all met at his family diner +
+  The food was *chef kiss* (ofcourse)
+ So you decided to talk to him a bit more! +

{ How he was when y'all was friends }
+ Still  A pervert but toned down like 100x +
+ Y'all would have baking sessions +
+ And he would rant about rude customers to you on the phone +

{ When he realizes he likes you }
+ He always knew he likes you but when it hit him that he likes you+
+ He got nervous.very.fucking.nervous. +
+ He was worried you wouldn't like him back (this poor boy) +

{When he asked you out}
+ He was super fucking scared +
+ This boy got da flowers da picnic da candles he went all out for this +
+ "Cher, I have something to tell you..I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you-YOUDONTHAVETOSAYYES-" +
+This man went full country panic mode when he was talking +
+But when you said yes (I would assume-) he was super flustered and crying a little bit +
+ You guys cuddled under the stars until midnight +

(A/n: I hope y'all enjoyed! And I hope you all are having a good day!)

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