{ good ol crack fic pt3 }i

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3rd pov:

Ed Sheeran was shocked, bet then he thought of a way to get byakuyas love.
Ed Sheeran pushed the cake off the table and jumped on,
And started singing 'in love with the shape of you'
But instead of shape of you he replaced it with your credit card.
As he sang byakuya slowly start to fall in love with the red head Singer.
But then. Something happend after Ed Sheeran stopped singing.
"FUCK YOU ED 😡😡😡😡"
Shrek yelled, running twords the new couple.
See,Shrek was Ed Sheerans ex,I guess you could say they broke up because of artistic difrences.(*cough* cell tango reference)
Then Shrek started beating up Ed Sheeran!,
Everyone was scared, while teruteru, fuyuhiko,and nekomaru were trying to calm down Shrek.
After a while kiyotaka called the cops.
Once the cops came they arrested Shrek,
Teruteru was devastated, Shrek was teruterus bestie how could this happen!?..

"I think I can help get your little friend out of jail.."
Some one said
But who?

(What is my life rn-)

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