good ol crack fic pt11

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(teruterus pov)

Like any normal human,I was very confused about what I had just heard. Jeffery proposed the idea to go on a walk, I agreed. As we were walking around the cemetery, I realized something. Shreks grave wasn't here?..
"Jeff..where is shreks grave.." "Well...He might be aliv-"
"But before we ran, I saw the cinnamon toast guy drag him away-"
"Oh my god..." I started to tear up.
"W-we gotta go find him!" I yelled
"Aight that's swag" Jeffery bezos agreed.
Then it was official. We are gonna save Shrek.

{Time skip}

(Still teruterus pov)
After along while of walking we find area 51, and because we are the most swag of people we sneak in, and find a house inside the very bottom of the facility. As we stumble down because we got alot of fall damage we find Shrek tied up to a race car bed.
"SHREKKKKKKKKKK!!!" "t-t-ttttttt-t-tt-ter-teru-teruteru?!!!" Shrek stuttered like a crusty ass y/n motherfecker. Once Jeffery bezos untied Shrek, me and Shrek embrace softly.
Then Shrek did something I will never forget.
"Teru..We have been friends for so long..and...i..I think I'm in love with you" I was shocked, I felt so bad for Shrek because I...


(A/N: why is Shrek in love with teruteru?, Drama. But I hope y'all enjoyed this dumpsters fire and I hope you are all doing good!)

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