{ More parent scenarios }

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(Chapter Note: y/c/n = your childs name
Charecters other than y/n and teruteru:akane, nekumaru
Fluff scenarios or angst?: Fluff!, But one angst one)

{ Babysitter }
  +S o, You and teruteru decided to go on a date night. +
+But, who was gonna watch y/c/n? +
+ Y'all decide nekomaru and akane +
+Once they got to the house, there was a list of rules,  +
+"Bed time 8pm,no suger before bed, tv off by 6 for y/c/n"(ext) +
+And Nekumaru, was totally ready to be a responsible baby sitter!+
+But akane on there other hand +
+Let's just say, y/c/n got a few new toys, a bunch of candy, And stayed up till midnight +

{ First curse word }
+y/c/n Was about 6 years old at this point+
+ And we're learning how to ride a bike! +
+ But as they were riding their bike, they were headed for a tree. +
+ And they crashed +
+ "MOTHERFUCKER-" y/c/n Yelled +
+ "y/c/n. Were did you learn that word?"you asked +
+ "Papa says it sometimes on the phone" +
+Let's just say, you were less than happy about that +

{ Despair }

(A/n: so for some context, this is if teruterus and your kid ended up in a killing game, the master mind was junkos kid, and all the parents had to watch their kids get k1ll3d,Also y/c/n is 16 at this scenario)

+ Teruteru was TERRIFED (OBVIOUSLY) +
+And when it came to the first trial, y/c/n was getting accused as the killer +
+ Thankfully, Y/c/n wasn't the killer +
(Another a/n for this: so if y'all want me to make a pt2 to this despair scenario let me know)

(Last a/n for this chapter: Heya! Sorry this doesn't have many scenarios. I didn't have many ideas, I hope you all have a good dayyyYYYy)

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