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(ya boy somehow Durning a mental breakdown, got some motivation to write, so- Les a go- note: I wrote this earlier today and just forgot to upload it- I am not the fucking flash when it comes to typing I promise-)

+ I feel like he can't sleep without like 5 blankets- +
+ When he wants your attention, he will angry mumble in his lil country accent and AHAGAHWJOP ITS ADORABLE +

+He loves cats, and is kinda afraid of dogs. But sOmehOw he is only afraid of tiny dogs +
+ One of his favorite songs is probably girlfriend by Avril Lavigne- +( *remembers the 1st trial and definitely doesn't cry*)

+ I feel like he likes going on public transportation more than driving. Just cause it's sometimes hard to see the road cause he is the definition of t i n y +

+ he's sensitive to loud noises(idk why I think this, most likely cause I am-) +

(A/n: 🌺this was kinda venty-ig- idk just not doin all that great rn, bUt I hope you all are doin great and you're swag 🌺)

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