{ Mama?.. }

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(Chapter notes!:
Fluff or angst?: Angst! But it ends happy I promise
Who's pov?: Both
Tw: Cursing)

Teruterus pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing,
It was the hospital?
I answered:
Someone answerd
"Are you teruteru hanamura?"
"We regret to inform you your mother was found unconscious in her home, we think it was do to lung issues. Please come talk to the doctor as soon as possible."
They hung up.
Y/n was still asleep. I think it's better if I just go.
I left a note on the kitchen counter and got dressed as quickly as possible, and left for the hospital.

Y/n pov:

I woke up seeing teruteru wasn't beside me, this was normal sense he is usually the first one up. I enter the kitchen rubbing my eyes.
I expected to smell teruteru cooking breakfast but he wasn't there.. he wasn't anywhere win the apartment.
I then see the note. It read:
"Y/n, Im sorry I can't cook you breakfast today, something really bad happend that I can't explain right now, Leftovers are in the fridge PLEASE Eat something while I'm gone. Love, teruteru"

I was concerned, what happened?,is everything okay?
Just then I hear the doorbell ring, I open it and see kazuichi!. He says

"heya y/n!, you okay?"
"y-yea why do you ask?
"well teruteru called my saying something really bad happend and i thought he ment you where hurt or something. where is he anyway?"
i then start to get upset.
"Oh. So he's able to tell YOU but not his own partner!?"
I take a deep breath, and say: "Okay..Okay I'm gonna just call him."
I try to call teruteru. No answer.
I try again. No answer.
"GODDAMMIT.." I throw my phone to the floor out of anger and sadness
"Woah woah Y/n please calm down-"
"Why should I be Calm..Would you be calm when your boyfriend isn't answering your calls, as clearly stated something bad happend, AND WONT FUCKING TELL YOU!?"
"..." Kazuichi stays quiet.
"I-im so sorry..I-i-" I start to tear up.
He hugs me while I start to cry.
"I-its just..Does he n-not t-trust me..?"

{ ✨ Time skip brought to you by ball monokuma ✨ }

Teruterus pov:

I got home, exhausted after a long day of being at the hospital. Thankfully mamas okay, she just passed out from exhaustion, she should be able to go home tomorrow. But my thoughts stop by the sound of crying? It was y/n crying..

I walk into the bedroom to see y/n crying, hugging one of my hoodies. I say:
"Cher?..a-are you okay?"
They respond
"Teru?...W-where did you go.."
They sat up from bed
"You left without a word,You didn't answer my calls,And to topo it all off You would answer FUCKING KAZUICHI INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN PARTNER.." They yelled.
I felt horrible..but I had to make things right.
"Hun, I know your upset. And you have every right to be upset. But you have to understand that my mama had ended up in the hospital and I had to talk to the doctor and make sure the diner was doin okay..I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I really am. Can you forgive me?.."
I waited for a response..
Y/n walked over to me,hugged me and said:
"Only if we can watch tv and cuddle."
I laugh a little and say:
"Ofcourse my love.."

(A/n: 🌸Ik this was sad but I had fun writing this and this is very long so yA- I hope you enjoyed and I hope you get no Spotify ads🌸)

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