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(I decided to do the dad scenario because YES- I also might make a teruteru as a dad oneshot soon, the crack all come just later.
NOTE: Y/c/n is your child's name)

{ When the baby was born }
+ He was FREAKING OUT (tiny Country man edition)
+ His mom was there when the baby was born +
+ When I say he was the happiest man in the world I MEAN IT +
+ Once he held his newborn for the first time he was crying such happy tears +
+ "I-im gonna be the b-best dad ever!" +

{ First word }

+So, you had left to grab groceries, and teruteru was going to watch y/c/n +
+So y/c/n was just sitting in their highchair, waiting to be fed. +
+But teruteru was on the phone with his mom, (they were planning on when she should come help with y/c/n) +
+And y/c/n was getting upset +
+ So they yelled, +
+"PAPA!" Very angrily +
+ Teruteru was very shocked. +
+He had to end the call early to understand what happened +
+Y/c/n got all the food they wanted +
+ And when you came home he was so happy to tell you what happend +

{ First steps }

+ You and teruteru were watching y/c/n +
+And teruteru had made cookies +
+And ofcourse the small child wanted one +
+But one thing stood in their way +
+They would have to walk to get one+
+And y/c/n hadn't figured that one out yet +
+So y/c/n decided they were gonna try +
+And they took like 3 steps.+
+ But then they face planted +
+And you and teruteru saw this and ofcourse, being good parents helped their kid to walk +
+And once y/c/n got to the kitchen counter, they were rewarded a cookie +

(A/n: I'm probably gonna make a pt2 to this so yE)

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