{ good ol crack fic pt6 }

69 1 4

(3rd person)

As Shrek fell to the ground, it felt like the world was slowing down.
Just as Shrek stopped breathing, Jeffery bezos grabbed teruteru and started running out of Azkaban, as they ran Jeffery and teruteru were getting shot with water guns, it hurt like hell, but they made it out alive.
But only one thing was in teruterus mind.
His best friends lifeless body, laying on the ground.
It felt like it was playing on loop, once they had gotten out of Azkaban Jeffery bezos let go of teruteru and fell to the ground.
"JEFFERY NO!" Teruteru cried, he couldn't loose another person he cared about, not again..
"Teruteru..please run now..i-ill meet you at your palace..I-i- promise just..run.."Jeffery said, the life leaving his voice
"GO N-NOW" Jeffery bezos yelled.
Teruteru followed jeferys orders, running as fast as his think thunder thighs could, he didn't know where he was going, but it seemed he ended up in a forest of sorts.
Just then. He saw a 711 in the distance and thought:
"I could really use a slushy rn" while walking to it.
He didn't realize it but he was walking across a rode and.
Teruteru got hit by a car..
Everything went black. It hurt to breath, and he could feel a large pain in his head..
After a while he could see again but it was all a bit blurry.
It looked like a hospital, and someone was sitting next to him.
But who..?


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