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"Mr. Kim, I'm here to remind you that you need to pay off your debt as soon as possible otherwise we will be forced to take over your company. You will be given a month's grace." Not knowing what Mr. Kim to say as he sat at his wide office table. Unbeknownst to his family, the company they worked so hard to set up for two decade is now in debt. He just closes his eyes while breathing deeply.

"And the boss just wants to remind you that your debt has reached Five hundred million dollars. Based on our investigation, your entire property cannot afford to pay the debt you owe to the boss."

"I want to talk to President Manoban." said mr. Kim to the assistant.

"Don't worry I'll tell him your request."

While the two talking seriously, Jennie the only daughter of Mr. Kim has arrived. The young lady did not know that her father had a visitor so she went in and by an unexpected chance she heard the conversation between her father and the visitor. She was standing at the door enough for her to hear all the conversation. Jennie couldn't believe what she heard because all she knew was that their company was in stable state.

"Daddy ......" was the only word that came out of the girl's mouth. What she heard was painful for her from an early age she knew all the sacrifices of his parents to establish the company. Since she was a baby, the only one with her was her nanny because her parents were too busy expanding and taking care of their company.

"Daddy, is that true? Is it true that we owe a lot?" Jennie asked her father directly as tears welled up in her eyes. Jennie didn't care about her father's visitor. All she wanted to know was his father's answer.

Mr. Kim looked so shock and pale upon seeing of her only child presence. He doesn't know how to tell the truth to his family but there is nothing he can do because it is his daughter herself who has just heard and discovered his big secret.

"Darling ... uhmmm you're here already?. Uhmmm...How was your flight back home? first I know you're tired from the trip princess..." The father does not know how to answer his daughter. "Dad, please answer me."

The assistant just stared at the newly arrived young beautiful lady. He couldn't believe that the daughter of Mr. Kim is no other than super model Jennie Kim. He knows who Jennie Kim is, ofcourse she is a very famous super model and he saw it in diffenrent magazines, tv commerials and billboards. What he did not expect was that the lady in front of him was the only child of the well-known prominent Korean businessman who is indebted to his boss. 'Hmmmmm very interesting' as he thought.

"Mr. can you tell me if everything I heard is true? Our company owes a great deal to your boss?" since her father did not answer her question she immediately asked his father's visitor.

"Yes ma'am. And Mr. Manoban sent me here to remind your father's debt. My boss only has a month's grace period if your company's debt is not paid within this whole month, whether you like it or not, we will take all your family properties as compensation of all your debts. "

"One month? How can we pay off our debt in a month? Even if we save up for a year we can't afford to pay such a large amount."

'Where are we going to get that amount? He's right that even though we sell all our properties we cannot afford to pay our debts. Even I'll give all my savings still, it will not be enough.' As jennie's thought.

"I'm sorry ma'am but that's the order. I'm leaving Mr. Kim." the assistant left immediately. When assistant left, Jennie immediately ran to her father and she hugged him. She could not bear to be angry with her father. She knows all the hard work and sacrifice of her parents especially his father just to grow their businesses. "Daddy, don't worry you won't lose your company." said Jennie to her father. "Jennie, don't interfere with my problem. I don't want to stress you out just focus on your carrier."

"No dad, you're getting old. I would rather stress myself solving our problem. I won't let you solve it by yourself, dad. Let me help you please.. daddy please....." she cries while hugging her father. Jennie would rather be the one who suffer than her parents. She really love her parents dearly.

"No princess.."

At Manoban's mansion.

"Master, Mr. Kim requested to talk to you."

"Why should I?" while sipping his tea.

Lisa Manoban, known to be very wealthy and arrogant businessman. He owns many five star hotels and casinos abroad, a very well-known Norwegian shipping company, and he is also one of the share holders of a very famous pharmaceutical company in the US. And a CEO in a large and famous Korean appliances company. Moreover he also owns one of the famous and high-end malls and restaurants around Asia. At the age of 30 Lisa can be said to be a very succesful entrepreneur. He came from a very rich family. He is the only child of the very rich man in Asia, Marco Manoban.

"I don't have time to talk to him." said lisa while still busy drinking her favorite tea.

"Lisa, give him a chance. Yes Mr. Kim owes you a lot but even if he sells all his properties he won't be able to pay all his debts." suggestion by his best friend Jisoo Kim.

Lisa looked at his friend with narrowed eye. He doesn't want anyone interfere all his decisions especially it's involved with money. Money for him is god. He doesn't care for anyone or anything. He is hard like a rock.

Upon seeing the expression of Lisas face Jisoo quickly withdrew his suggestion to the friend. "ok ok i won't talk anymore."

"Master, I just found out that Mr. Kim has a daughter." Lisa immediately stopped drinking her tea. And he looked at his assistant as he raised an eyebrow. He seemed to be waiting for what his assistant would say next. And suddenly his assistant fell silent. "I want her daughter's full information." Lisa immediately commands her assistant.

Lisa is one of the richest people in the world but he is not the rich womanizer type. Although Lisa is a very arrogant person he has a soft side with children. Even though he is rich in material things it seems like there is still something missing in his life. That is for him to have his own child. He has been looking for a woman to conceive his future child for more than a year but he did not like every woman introduced to him even one of them all. He is very picky and very meticulous finding for the mother of his future child for some reason.

"I need it by tommorrow morning. You're dismiss."

Jisoo at the other hand is looking surprisingly to his bestfriend. He couldn't believe that his bestfriend is really that desperate on having his own child.

Thank you.. ❤

The Debt Bride-JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now