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After more than two months in the hospital, Jennie's father was finally able to leave and go home.  She hadn't seen Lisa in almost two months.  Lisa, on the other hand, kept his promise to the girl that he would not take her father's company when Jennie agreed to marry him. While her father was lying in the hospital bed and recovering from his heart operation Jennie was the one who temporarily running their company.  The girl wondered because after more than two months Lisa did not show up to her. "I can finally go home."  Ji-yong's can't hide his happiness while saying his statement to the mother and daughter who were happily watching him.  "Daddy, when we get home, you can rest for a few months." the father no longer insisted because he knew his condition required him to rest. "Sweety, thank you. I know we don't have enough money to pay for the hospital bills but you made a way for me to be operated on and get out of here."  The father did not know that Jennie had negotiated with Lisa to pay off all their debts and pay for her heart surgery. The girl sighed quietly.  She did not confess to her father first that in exchange for everything, she would agreed to marry the affluent man.

At Manoban's mansion

The news reached Lisa that Jennie's father had been released from the hospital.  After the agreement between the two of them, Lisa immediately made his promise to the girl.  For almost two months, Lisa did not show up to Jennie because he was busy taking care of their upcoming wedding.

He also knew that Jennie was also busy with their company while her father was recovering in the hospital so he decided not to disturb his future wife.

"Master, the wedding dress designer from the US is coming this afternoon."  Lisa looked at her wrist watch and stood up "Prepare my car we're going somewhere."  his assistant nodded and quickly exited into the mansion’s parking lot to prepare the car.

While the oldman was quietly observing Lisa worry never left in the old man's mind. For his grandfather it was a big mania what Lisa had planned.  The old man is unlikely to like the girl however he can't do anything because it is Lisa's decision and plan.  He did not know what was running through his grandson's mind but he strongly believed that the girl would be an obstacle to their plans.  Even though the old man did not admit that he knew what beauty the girl had posess, it was not difficult for a man not to fall for her beauty so he was very worried for his grandson.

"The youngest daughter of the Jeons is better suited to you. I prefer their daughter than to that woman."  there was no hesitation in the old man's word saying those what was on his mind.  It was obvious in the old man's voice that he hated the idea being his grandson tieing a knot to the daughter of the man who killed his only son.  "Grandfather, I don't want to talk about that thing. We have no obligation to pay to the Jeons for me to marry Somi." Lisa has known Jeon Somi for almost 15 years.  The two of them studied abroad together, although when they were together, he treated Somi coldly and only see her as a younger sister. Somi who would almost and always trying to push herself on him got Lisa irritated.

"I'm leaving, grandfather."  Lisa hurriedly out without waiting for what his grandfather would say next.  When Lisa sat in the backset of his car he immediately gave instruction to his assistant.  "At the Kim's house."

At Kim's mansion

The Kims' house maids were busy preparing and cooking their Master Ji-yong Kim's favorite dishes.  Jennie's father has also been in the hospital for a long time so she thought of preparing all of his favorite foods for her father.  After a few hours of cooking, all kinds of food were served on their large and long dining table, which looked like a fiest with the amount of food served.  "Is there an occasion, sweety?"  Jennie's father asked in loving manner.  "You know the others here, I can't eat them sweety because it's forbidden for my health."  He added while he smiled to her Jennie so tenderly.

"Yes, actually we have something to celebrate Mr. Kim."  Lisa suddenly appeared in the middle of the conversation.  He was standing not far from where the father and daughter were standing.  He is wearing a tailored dark blue suit that from any angle you will be enchanted by the handsomeness of the stocky man standing not far from them.  Unbeknownst to Jennie Lisa quickly approached her and the young man immediately grabbed her curved and small waist.

And he immediately hugged the girl and kissed her forehead.  Jennie didn't know what to do she was surprised by the happenings so she couldn't immediately react to Lisa's sweet gestures.  When she woke up to her dream her face suddenly turned red with the embarrassment she felt. Jennie looked down trying to hide her blushing face.  Suddenly his father frowned as he looked at the lovey dovey couple standing side by side in front of him.

"Jennie Kim, what's going on here?"  Jennie's father's tone of voice suddenly changed as his stern look moved back and forth between the two of them as if the father was confused by the events. "You haven't told your father yet, baby?"  tender and mixed with frustration at Lisa's voice while his eyes looking into jennie's cat like eyes.  Jennie couldn't speak and move as Lisa called her baby 'what baby?'  in Jennie's mind he face turn into crimson red again.

Long days also passed without her seeing the man.  Only now does she realize that she feels something strange about the man hugging her.  Suddenly her heart pounded and she could not determine what the cause was. All she knew was that she missed the man hugging her.

Tune in... next chapter out later!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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