Chapter 3:Relationships and The Man Circle

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It was about 3 pm when Ginga decided to go lay down at his spot. Madoka was right beside him just enjoying the sky. They decided to site see together and stare at the clouds.

Ginga: That looks like a bunny.

Madoka: And that one looks like Pegasus

Ginga: Where you see that?

Madoka: Look to the left, then up and there it is

Ginga: Oh, cool

Madoka: Yeah

Madoka looked at Ginga; his hair was blowing in the wind. Then Madoka looked back into the sky. Then Ginga looked at Madoka, she looked so happy. Then there was a tear that was going down her face.

Ginga: What's wrong?

Madoka: I'm just so happy. You're back in my life so we could hang out like old times. It's so good just being here with you, Ginga.

Ginga: Madoka, do you want to be my girlfriend?

Madoka: Yes Ginga!

Madoka hugged Ginga for a while. Then they kissed.

Kyoya POV

Kyoya and Hikaru were walking around town. Then they went across the old Face Hunters Lair.

Kyoya: Man, this place brings back memories from the old days.

Hikaru: You and the Face Hunters were here, wow. That's all I have to say.

Kyoya: Yeah, but some days I go to a secret place that I found a while back ago. Want to see it?

Hikaru: Is it related to a jungle or any sort?

Kyoya: Nope

He took Hikaru's hand and started walking her to the place.

Kyoya: And besides, if it was some type of jungle or wildlife, you would have never seen me again because I would start living with the lions.

Hikaru laughed and playfully pushed him in the direction he was walking. When they finally got to the place Hikaru couldn't believe the place. It looks like a beautiful sanctuary,

Hikaru: OMG! This place is so beautiful. Where did you find this place?

Kyoya: During my walk I came across this place, beautiful isn't it?

Hikaru: Yea.

So they sat by a tree for a while and it became night time. They decided to star gaze for a while.

Hikaru: The stars look beautiful outside

Kyoya: Yeah they do, especially you

Hikaru blushed and put her head on his shoulders. Then he put his arm around her.

Hikaru: I'm glad you decided to come back.

All Kyoya did was nod. As they watch the stars a little more, Kyoya looked at Hikaru. She looks beautiful with the moon glowing on her. Then he stands up and Hikaru did the same.

Kyoya: Will you be my girlfriend?

All Hikaru did was nod and jumped onto Kyoya. I started crying in his arms and all he did was rub my back. Then he walked me back to the B-Pit.

At the B-Pit where everyone was there,

It was just the guys, the girls went back out to do girls stuff.

Ginga: Kenta and Yu, it has come to my attention that you are only 15 and 16 years old.

Yu and Kenta: Yes?

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