Chapter 8: The Bet Part 4

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It was 9:45 and Kyoya was getting ready to work for the night shift. Hikaru came downstairs and saw Kyoya in his uniform.

Hikaru: This is a night shift?

Kyoya: Yup, but it's just for two hours anyway.

Hikaru: Can I come with you?

Kyoya: You want to sit in an ice cream parlor for two hours?

Hikaru: Yes!

Kyoya: Ok then

After that they walked to the ice cream parlor. At the parlor Hikaru took out her laptop and started doing work while Kyoya started his shift. That's when Dezzy came out of back and ran to hug Kyoya.

Dezzy: Hey Kyoya buddy, it's been like forever since I see you

Kyoya: I just saw you yesterday

Dezzy: As of working here I mean. Anyway who is your little friend over there on her laptop?

Kyoya: My girlfriend Hikaru

Dezzy: Aw, y'all got together after I told you to wait for me

Kyoya: Did you not here me say maybe not while I was walking away

Dezzy: Nope

Kyoya: I guess that's why, but remember you will always be my best friend, but not better than Ginga. He's a brother

Dezzy: I thought Benkei was your brother? (Both started laughing)

Hikaru: ' How close are they, I must ask' Hey Kyoya, how long you two known each other?

Kyoya and Dezzy thought about it for a while and finally came up with an answer.

Kyoya: I guess about preschool


Dezzy: Yup, it's just that I moved after 5th grade and he moved after 8th grade and I never got to see him again until yesterday. It has been years since we saw each other.

Hikaru: What is your name?

Dezzy: I'm Waffles; remember it was my birthday yesterday at the club and all I wanted was to see any of my old friends from when I was a child. I never thought it would be Kyoya though.

Kyoya: Yup.

A customer came in and Hikaru moved out of her way and ask can she order. Kyoya and Dezzy rock-paper-scissors for it and Dezzy lose. Hikaru looked so confuse so Kyoya signal her to other side of the counter while Dezzy toke the girl order.

Kyoya: During the night shift we are lazy ass people who only feel like falling asleep in the freezer or falling asleep underneath a tree. I'm mostly the second one around 12:00 am. Anyway we play rock-paper-scissors who have to do the most work, that's why I love the night shift.

Hikaru: Doesn't your boss come and check up on you?

Dezzy: Yup, my mom will be coming i 2.

The Boss: Waddup my niggas?!

Hikaru: That's your mom?

Kyoya: Yes, yes she is

The Boss: Sweetie, I found this cute little boy that want to ask you out?

Hikaru: Wait a minute, first she was talking ghetto, now she talking proper, what the fuck guys

Kyoya: Her mom switch up on how she talks so she can be called the switcher instead of the boss

Dezzy: Yup, anyway Hikaru, can I borrow Kyoya for a couple of minutes as my boyfriend?

Hikaru: Why?!

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