Chapter 20: Valentine's Day and After

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Ginga: Will you marry?

Madoka: Oh my god! Yes, Yes I will marry you

Ginga put the ring on Madoka's finger and kissed her

The next day:

Ginga, Kyoya, Madoka and Hikaru was hanging out today. They decided to hang at Ginga and Madoka's house. The girls were in Madoka's room and the boys were in the gaming room.

Madoka's Room:

The girls were watching Gossip Girls while talking at the same time

Madoka: Hikaru, it happen

Hikaru: You're pregnant?!

Madoka: No!

Hikaru: Oh, then what?

Madoka: What made you think I'm pregnant?

Hikaru: I don't know. You said it happen and we both know that Ginga is not out of the Pegasis phase

Madoka: Whatever

Hikaru: So, what happen yesterday? Was it good or bad?

Madoka: Good

Hikaru: Then spill the beans

Madokda: He propose!

Hikaru: Oh my god! My best friend getting married, my best friend getting married

Madoka: Okay, was that short song necessary?

Hikaru: Yes!

Madoka: Anyway, I was shocked too, but I said yes

Hikaru: Madoka Hagane! Nice ring don't you think? And speaking of rings show it to me

Madoka: (showed her the ring)

Hikaru: Ooooooooo that's a nice ring. That is so beautiful

Madoka: Thanks, so about you and Kyoya?

Hikaru: I don't know, when I told my parents about moving in together, my dad was kind of mad but my mom was so happy that I found someone that I love. My dad finally calm down after a couple of minutes and said he would approve of it if I visit them at least three times a month

Madoka: That's cool.

Video Game Room:

Ginga and Kyoya are playing MW3 for a little bit before they decided to watch TV.

Ginga: She said yes dude

Kyoya: Congrads man

Ginga: Yeah, but now we have to choose a day and plan out all of this.

Kyoya: Maybe Nicole and Hikaru can you guys out. And if you need any help with money, I'll be happy to chip on this

Ginga: Thanks buddy. What's Nicole's number?

Kyoya: You ask her yourself.

Ginga: Really?

Kyoya: Nah, 011-81-562-975-8961 ( If I have to make a phone number, I rather find a way to make it like the how the Japanese do it)

Ginga: (entering the number into his phone) Okay. So you and Hikaru?

Kyoya: Dude, I really don't know because of her dad. He blew up when he found out about us living together. At least he caim down after a couple of minutes

Ginga: Talking to her dad couldn't be that bad

Kyoya: Have you talk to her dad yet

Ginga: (changing the subject) Is this Victorious

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