Chapter 7: The Bet Part 3

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Ginga finally made it to work, and saw the same people from 4 years ago. I guess we got the boss daughter Waffles. Good thing that I and Kyoya are good friends with her, but mostly Kyoya and Waffles are like best friends. My job is cashier and when necessary ice cream sundae maker with my somewhat since of creativity. There was one thing that I didn't like about it, and that is when…

"Hey Gingi! I WANT ICE CREAM AND I WANT IT NOW!" Yu said as he was running towards me. This is the bad part, he always want one of everything and got the money to pay for it. So I just told one my co-workers, Jake (Won't be mention a lot just needed a name) to get his order. Once we gave it to him, I just sat by him with my vanilla ice cream waiting for him to be done. He was done in 2 minutes but I was still eating my ice cream.

"Can I get more?" Yu asked

"The same thing or you finally decided to eat one scoop of ice cream?" I said as we both laughed. I finish my vanilla ice cream and went to get the second one. When he finally finished that one, I knew he was full.

"Thanks Gingi, here's the money for both. So I guess you're done working here for today and its Kyoya turn?" Yu asked.

"Nope, he gets the night shift where Waffles is here, which is like at 10:00" Ginga answered.

"Oh, well I shouldn't be doing anything when that happens. Well, see you later" Yu said as he left. That's when I clocked out. I did the morning shift which was like three hours, before I left I got a text from Madoka: Bring me butter pecan or orange sherbert for me? Thank you. So I just grabbed the tub of Orange Sherbert and left the place

Kyoya's POV

I really don't want to go, but Hikaru came out and I just sat up so she can sit on the couch

"So, where going to the clothing store, shoe store, jewelry and hair store" Hikaru said.

"I'm surprised that you're not making me go to the make-up store" Kyoya said.

"I know, I just don't want to torture you so bad that you will say colorful words to me and then you'll break up with me and I'll be alone with 9 cats in a smelly basement eating ice cream for the rest of my life and get fat and die alone" Hikaru said very fast. I just looked her like why the hell she said that.

"Okay, one if I curse I won't cuse at you, I will cuse at everyone. Two, I won't break up with you because you drag me there. Three, you won't be alone, you have friends. Four, 9 freaking cats are you nuts?! Five, why you're in a smelly basement eating ice cream and lastly you can't just get fat and die" Kyoya said as Hikaru hugged him.

"C'mon. Let's go" Hikaru said as she dragged me off the couch and off to the mall. We made it to the clothing store and she went off to buy stuff. I just sat where all the other boyfriends go when they know they will be here all day. After 2 hours, Hikaru was done and she dragged me to the shoe store. While we were in there, I got myself some Nikes and boots. Hikaru called me over there, and what she asks me was the weirdest question ever.

"Gym shoes or flats?" she asked while I shook my head. She got to be kidding me.

"You never ask a guy gym shoes or flats, unless the guy is into ballet and which I'm not just in case you're going to ask." I said as she showed me the gym shoe and the flats. She really wants me to choose.

"Gym Shoe" I said as she bought them and dragged me to the jewelry store. I thought I was about to die, she was getting blue jewelry and kept asking me for my opinion. How many times do I have to tell her that I don't care about jewelry? So she settled in on blue flower earrings, a bracelet that said beauty and a pair of red earrings. She couldn't find a necklace so she found me by it strolling through it.

"Help me find a necklace?" Hikaru asked. I looked at her stupid.

"Don't give me that stupid look, help me. It can either have my name or something related to water" she said as she pushed me down the aisle. I kept walking until I found a blue star necklace. Hikaru walked towards me and found the necklace.

"It's beautiful! I didn't know you had any taste" Hikaru said.

"Are we done yet?" I complained.

"Hair store, then were done" she said as she bought the stuff and dragged me to the hair store. This place was even worst. She had red dye in her hair and I gave her a look.

"It's not for me, it's for Madoka, but the red headband is mine" she said as she bought the stuff. Then we walked back to the B-Pit. I grabbed a beer and fell on the couch. I was tired!

"Maybe we can go to the park later" Hikaru said.

"Maybe, if I get my strength back" I said as I went to sleep. Hikaru laughed as she went in their room.

Normal POV

Ginga got back from his job and see Kyoya on the couch.

Ginga: Made you go to the mall?

Kyoya: It was terrible

Ginga: Want me to take the night shift too?

Kyoya: No, I should be good by 10.

Ginga: You sure?

Kyoya: Yeah, you should check on Madoka, I don't know if she still sleeps.

Ginga went upstairs and Madoka was watching TV.

Madoka: What happen?

Ginga: (laughing) Remember when you were talking about how you want me to sing a Bruno Mars song for you?

Madoka: Yeah

Ginga: Well I did, I just gave you beer so you wouldn't remember it.

Madoka: You serious?

Ginga: Yes! And you passed out after you drank it all, so you have to do me that favor

Madoka: Today?

Ginga: If you want, otherwise tomorrow good.

Madoka: I'll think about it

Ginga: Okay.

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