Chapter 25: Last Chapter

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The Wedding Day

Ginga was pacing back in forth in the boys dressing room. Kyoya, Kenta, Ryuga, and Tsubasa were watching him pacing until Kyoya walks up to him and slaps Ginga in the face.

Kyoya: Dude, first you need to calm yourself down. Second, you need to breath because your face is almost red

Ginga starts to breath regularly and sits down

Kyoya: Are you that nervous that you were going to stop breathing?

Ginga: Yeah man

Kyoya: I get you're nervous, but imma need you to calm that down. Either grow a pair or be a girl

Ginga: I already have a pair

Kyoya: You're not showing it very well

Kenta: (whisper to Ryuga) What is Kyoya talking about?

Ryuga: How old are you again?

Kenta: 16 almost 17

Ryuga: Then I'm not telling you

With the girls, you could say it was worse. Hikaru and Dragonite was holding Madoka's hair up while Madoka was puking into the toilet again. Nneka and Silvermist was giving Madoka paper towels to wipe her face with

Hikaru: Will I be like this when I get married?

Dragonite: Yeah, I been to a bunch of weddings and the wife is always throwing up. I think it just happens for no reason

Madoka: I feel so sick, maybe we should reschedule

Nneka: No, you're going out there and becoming Madoka Hagane

Silvermist: Nice ring isn't it?

Madoka: I know it is. I just have to suck this in. Why did I decide to put you guys in this?

Dragonite: Because Ryuga, Kenta and Tsubasa was in it so you wanted this couple thing

Hikaru: After fighting to put you in a dress

Dragonite: You know me, I'm not a dress person. At least you choose decent colors

Madoka: I couldn't choose blue because someone told me that's their color

Hikaru: It's my color and that's the color of my wedding when me and Kyoya gets marry

Nneka: (whispers to Dragonite) If

Madoka: Okay, let's fix my hair again

Silvermist: For the tenth time

The time for the wedding has begun. Everybody was walking down with their partners. Then it was time for Madoka to come down. Here comes the bride was playing as she was walking down. She finally got down there and Ginga grabs her hands. Blah blah blah pastor say stuff blah blah blah blah blah (I really didn't feel like going into detail with that part)

Pastor: Do you, Ginga Hagane, take Madoka Amano to be your wife?

Ginga: I do

Pastor: Do you, Madoka Amano, take Ginga Hagane to be your husband?

Madoka: I do

Pastor: Is there a reason why these two should not be wed?

Everybody was looking around. Kyoya was looking at Jamie and Nicole. They both wave at Kyoya as Kyoya nods his head at them

Pastor: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Ginga pulls Madoka up to them as they kiss. Everybody was clapping and cheering for them. At the reception Nicole ran up to Ginga as they hug each other

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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