Chapter 4

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The guys where alone in the room. The girls were in the other room doing girl stuff (I may be a girl, but I call it stuff). Ginga, Kyoya and Tsubasa were drinking beer and Yu, Kenta and Benkei were drinking orange pop.

Benkei: Explain to me why I'm drinking pop and I'm 21 years old!

Ginga: For the fact that one, I think by burping will make you lose all of that body waist, no offense

Benkei: Non taken

Kyoya: And two, we agree, well me Ginga and Tsubasa, think that beer is too much for you.

Benkei: I bet you give some to Hikaru

Kyoya: Nope, haven't you heard?

Yu: That Bird is the Word!

Ginga: Besides that, not all girls have beer. They have wine.

Kenta: Oh, why?

Kyoya: Well, some people go by that beer begins with the letter B and so do boys. Wine was just the option for girls.

Yu: But still, isn't Bird the Word?

Kyoya: Yes! Bird is the Word!

Tsubasa: Okay, before you make him blow, any other questions you have?

Hikaru: Yes, what are you guys talking about? (Put arms around Kyoya's neck)

Kyoya: Just talking

Kenta: And getting on Kyoya's nerves, well Yu is

Yu: All I'm asking is Bird is the Word?

Ginga: And he answers it, who hasn't heard of the word?

Madoka: What is the word?

Ginga: Oh I see, you haven't heard?

Madoka: Haven't heard what? Just tell me

Kyoya: Madoka don't!

Ginga: Ah, bird bird bird, bird is the word! X4. Madoka, don't you know about the word, well Ginga going to tell you that bird is the word. Ah X3, bird bird bird, bird is the word. Bird surfing. (Freaking out like Peter did on Family Guy, and past out)

Madoka: Ginga are you okay? (Ginga open his eyes)

Ginga: (Finishing the end of song, then get hit by a book by Kyoya)

Kyoya: And this is why you never ask what the word is.

Benkei: Hey Kyoya, what is the word?

Tsubasa: Don't even ask

Madoka: Ok? Back to what Hikaru ask, what are you doing?

Yu: Oh, we were talking about that older boys drink beer and older girls drink wine, with a few exceptions.

Everybody looks at the girls, and then looked away.

Ginga: I wasn't the only sensing that they can do both? (Everybody except for the girls shook their heads)

Both girls: Is that a challenge that we can't drink beer?

Ginga and Kyoya: Yes!

Both of the girls consulted (I know big words) and Madoka talked: If we win, you have to do us a favor.

Ginga and Kyoya acted like there were agreeing, instead they were just mumbling anything. Finally, Kyoya spoke: And if we win, then you. Both boys whisper in the girls ears. The girls started laughing.

Hikaru: Fine, we agree. And they shook hands.

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