Chapter 21

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A Friday Afternoon in Ginga's and Madoka's house backyard 1 week before wedding

Kyoya: Dude I'm totally planning your bachelor's party this Saturday

Kenta: You should get strippers!

Ginga: (spit his water all over Kenta) Ugh Kenta, do you know where that will lead you at?

Kenta: What?

Ryuga: You are now alone, I'm not here with you. Though you're far, we aren't here to stay

Tsubasa: Wow, you know Michael Jackson's music?

Ryuga: Yes, King of Pop man

Kyoya: Yeah, anyway Kenta, we want to survive

Kenta: Why won't you survive?

Yu came into the backyard, he heard Kenta and shocked his head: My dear Kenta, we all know that stripers mean girls gone wild 3, the crazies return will start and we all don't want that. Weddings off and all of us will be outside on the streets living alone

All the guys started laughing

Ginga: Okay Yu, it won't be that fast that we'll be kick out the house. It will be an argument that turns into a fight. Then by the next day we'll be kick out by their dads.

Kyoya: I don't get kick, I get push and ran over. Well, not ran over because I'm faster then most vehicles in this world

Kenta: So you saying...


Ginga: My bachelor's party?

Kyoya: Yeah, so first thing we're going to do is watch Sukerpunch

Ryuga: Then have a video game marathon because we're that sick

Tsubasa: Then drink, except for Yu, Kenta and Benkei

Kenta: Where is Benkei?

Kyoya: I told him that I'll meet him in the park about four hours ago

Kenta: You're so mean

Kyoya: Whoever told you that I'm nice?

Ginga: When you and Hikaru was watching Trapped in the Closet and...

Kyoya: Hum nun mum nun nun nya

Ginga: Okay? So then I heard Hikaru said, Kyoya, you're so...

Kyoya: (tackle Ginga onto the ground, whispering in his face) Don't say one word, or else I'm taking you that place and you will never leave again

Ginga: (whispering back) We both know that it's so easy to get in, but so hard to get out. Deal

Kyoya let go of Ginga and went back to the circle

Ryuga: Where is that other friend of yours? That guy with the talking dog

Ginga: Hyoma?

Ryuga: Yeah him!

Tsubasa: Funny story, when I was there when I was suppose to tell him about this, I saw him a girl and a guy by a house. Then I followed him inside and all I saw was the girl on top of both of them and...

Ginga and Kyoya: Hum mun mum nun nya nya nya mum

Ryuga: I can't help you with this blow out. The last one I know what he was talking about

Kenta: So we say that he ain't coming?

Yu: I'll call him for you Gingi, think of it as a present for me and...

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