Chapter 17: Thanksgiving Dinner

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November 22, 10:30 am

Ginga and Kyoya was being man handle by Tsubasa and Benkei to get out of their rooms. Yu and Kenta was laughing at them.

Ginga: What your laughing at, or your not going?

Tsubasa let go of Ginga to grabbed Yu. Ginga tried to escape but only to be caught by Benkei with her other hand. They through them into the room with Ryo and Ryuga

Ryuga: I think Tsubasa will be a stalker when he turns 27

Kyoya: You and me both

Ryo: Now, I bet your all wondering why you get man handle in here?

The boys: YES!

Ryo: Well, since y'all a little bit older, you must dress appropriately now

Kenta: But, I'm just 16

Ryuga: sixteen more importantly teen! Your old enough

Ginga: Dad, still not explaining

Ryo: Hikaru's mom is with the girls talking about manners and other stuff

Ginga: So you want us to act our own age? (His dad nod) For this one time?

Ryo: Can you guys try to do it or not

Boys: Will try

Ryo: Ok, time for tux fitting!

Boys: What!

The girls was already at the dress shop, well, Hikaru and Nneka was dragging Dragonite there

Dragonite: For the last time, I do not like Ryuga!

Nneka: Who cares how many times you're saying it, you're going with him

Jamie: Welcome to My Dress Shop!

Madoka: You own a dress shop?

Jamie: Yeah, Kyoya help out with the first three expenses

Hikaru: You got my boyfriend to do it?

Jamie: One time, the other two times was before y'all dated

Madoka: Ginga helped too?!

Jamie: Now and then. So c'mon, let's find you a dress

Inside Dragonite was being pushed by Nneka and Hikaru to of try on dresses. Madoka walked over to where Jamie is

Madoka: What is the real truth about why you got this dress store?

Jamie: Ginga's dad gave me some of the expense with this because of this dinner. So I told him about it and he said yeah. What's your color?

Madoka: Blue, teal, pink and maybe red.

Jamie: Come with me

Jamie pulled Madoka to this dress that was in the back of the whole store. It was this light blue dress with spaghetti straps and the back there was a heart shaped hole on it.

Madoka: It's beautiful Jamie

Hikaru: It is

Jamie: I know, and this is the dress I want Hikaru to wear, Madoka, your dress is right next to it

Madoka saw a pink dress with black strip on the bottom.

Jamie: There's jewelry that comes with it, and this nice bracelet that Ginga got you

Madoka: He got me a bracelet?!

Jamie: After being convince by his dad, but Ginga was the one to pick this out

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