With You

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Today we leave the cabin and begin our adventure out of state to Oregon

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Today we leave the cabin and begin our adventure out of state to Oregon. We plan to visit the Redwood trees and enjoy the cloudy weather since Fall has begun it's course until December. We packed everything we needed into the RV, ready to leave the cozy environment of the cabin. It was fun while it lasted.

"Ryujin is bringing a friend up here so they can take the Jeep back. Should we wait for them?" Ariana stated as we lounged on the couch. I nodded, wanting to see Ryujin again. I wonder if she'll bring her younger sister, I have only met her a handful of times. I was supposed to catch up with her at the wedding, but clearly that never happened.

We waited about half an hour, snacking on hand-washed cherries in the kitchen while we waited.

"I wonder what RV sex is like." I wondered, it was a normal discussion amongst us now. Not to mention the amount of rooms we have stripped the innocence from in this house. Ariana's parents probably don't want it back now.

"I've never had sex in my RV before." She admitted.

"Why not?"

"Just didn't sleep with anyone since I got it."

"Really? No one?"

"Nope. I mean a couple times, just never in my RV. I just didn't think my RV was the place for it. Plus, I told myself that if I would, it would be with someone I'm committed to." She winked at me, my cheeks pigmented themselves with emotion.

"No, I got it. Ay! Lovebirds! Yes, am talking to you! Ryujin and I have made our long awaited arrival. Open up." A voice shouted from outside, loud knocking erupted from our front door. The dogs crowded around the door and made way for us to open it. A tall Asian girl with black layered hair stood there, Ryujin standing next to her.

"You're so short." The black haired girl pointed at Ariana teasingly, shock was evident on my face. I knew she was playing around, but she doesn't even know Ariana and already she seems so comfortable.

"Yuna.." Ryujin sighed and pinched her nose, playing along.

"Yuna! You're two years younger than me, but you're even taller than the last time I saw you." I hugged her and Yuna hugged me back.

"Yeah, she's about 5'8 and a half now. But it's not that much shorter than me, just a little bit." Ryujin commented, knowing that what she said wasn't true. Yuna is much taller than her.

"5'8? I am actually 5 ft. 5'1 if you want to round up." Ariana winked at them, making them smile and laugh.

"Pocket sized." Yuna emphasized with her hands. "And Billie, too." She added.

"Actually, I think I'm considered average height, don't get it twisted." I defended myself.

"Ok ok, so where is the car?" Ryujin said, getting us back on topic.

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