🔞But Right Now In This Moment🔞

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"No no no, we just need to find this train station!" Ryujin talked to the man we found on the sidewalk

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"No no no, we just need to find this train station!" Ryujin talked to the man we found on the sidewalk. Ryujin, Yuna and I all knew the city well, but this station must've been new because we could not find it. We needed to get there so we could take a bus that would take us to my cabin. However, this man knew very little English. It was well past midnight and we were all tired as shit.

"I don't know." The man said, waving at us. His fed up energy slapped us in the face as he walked away. He walked across the intersection we were directly next to.

"Damn it!" I cursed, stomping my foot to the ground immaturely. I just need something, anything to help us get Billie back.

Any higher power please, send someone, something or anything!

"Are you Ariana?" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw a young woman with long dark hair with a face mask on. She had green eyes and was tall. Did the higher powers listen to me?

"Yes." I answered. She handed me a folded notecard and walked off, not sounding another noise. I looked at Ryujin and Yuna in confusion, opening the card.

'Once you make it to the Carrington's, I am the one with the sticker on the helmet. I am the one you can trust. I will help you get Billie to safety. She needs your help. Take these directions and everything is already taken care of.' It read. Who the hell sent this?

"Maybe it's a staff working undercover in the Carrington's house." Yuna pitched. We nodded in agreement. It's a possibility, but who is it? Maybe that's not what we should be focusing on at the second. I observed the notecard and with it came a QR code, so I scanned it with my phone and it took me to a Google Doc filled with a plan that was scheduled by the hour, a link to a hotel room receipt and a link to a rental car receipt.

"How did they know we were homeless and car-less?" I asked. Mark had broken Ryujin's lease on her apartment and drained her bank account as well as getting her car towed, and we all know what happened to me. We had been staying with Ryuin and Yuna's family, but decided that we needed to make a move. We were lucky that Mark didn't know about Yuna.

"I don't know, but how can we trust this? What if Mark is trying to get us killed?" Ryujin pitched, she has a good point. I looked at the Google Doc and found another link at the bottom, I pressed it and with it came an audio file. We huddled together and listened to it.

"Hello, you can just refer to me as Sticker, I've been working undercover as a guard for the Carrington's for a few months now and I can tell you that Billie is in danger. If Billie's dad succeeds in breaking the marriage, Mark is willing to either kill or sell Billie to ensure that she doesn't go free and exploit him. He has been planning this for many weeks now and even has a buyer ready to pick her up at any moment. Follow the plan and use the hotel and car I reserved for you. I guarantee you it is all safe. This is one hundred percent for Billie, she needs us. Oh sh-" The audio suddenly cut off.

"Fuck it, we don't have time to question things. If he's right then we need to follow this plan. If we follow it correctly then we can be at the Carrington's sooner than we planned."

We agreed on going with the plan and conveniently the car rental place was right across the street. This is oddly perfect. We feared that the place was closed, but an employee, who was working late, let us in after we showed him the notecard.

No questions were asked of us, he just handed us the keys and told us the car was outside. We followed his directions and walked outside, I pressed the unlock button on the key fob and the lights to a Mercedes SUV flickered with a shine.



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I feel sick. Physically and mentally unwell. Like I might throw up at any second. I hate that feeling. It's because I'm always nervous. What if dad can't break the contract? I mean he needs both his signature and Barbara's. What if Sticker gets caught and killed? What if I'm stuck with Mark forever?

The thought finally made me give in. I threw up on the floor next to the bed. The sudden noise made guards come in, Mark leading them in.

"Finally. Finally, Finally! Get the fuck up." He took the cuff off my neck and dragged me to the bathroom. He pulled a pregnancy test out of one of the cabinets and shoved it onto me. "Pee on it."

I did as told, nerves ripping my guts to pieces. I can't be pregnant. I haven't missed a day of the birth control.

We waited in smothering silence. I was nearly shitting bricks. If I'm carrying a child, that's it. It's over. Even if the contract is broken, I'm stuck with this child. Unless I abort it. But that's a big decision. I would have to live with that for the rest of my life.

The minutes of waiting were over and he stole the test off the counter. If it's positive, I'll be miserable. If it's negative, Mark will make sure I feel miserable.

I knew the answer when he threw it against the wall, the plastic bits shattering and scrambling across the floor. Such aggression made me jump, scream and cover my ears. He grabbed my bruised wrists and forced me to look at him.

"Why the fuck aren't you pregnant, yet? How many times do I have to fuck you in order for you to just get pregnant!" He shouted psychotically, punching me to the ground. He kicked my already bruised ribs, making me weep.

"I can't get pregnant if you keep hitting me in my stomach like that!" I shouted back. He turned me on my back and ripped my long sleeve shirt and skirt off.

He hit me countlessly as he did it punishing me for not being pregnant. I wish he would just kill me.

When he finished he left me on the floor and told the guards, who were waiting by the door.

"I want to leave 3 guards here and the rest come with me to the meeting with Mr. Martin. If he's ready to buy her today, then we'll come back and pick her up. She's not moving." He said, leaving the room. The bathroom door closed and locked.

If Mr. Martin is ready to buy me? He's gonna sell me? But that doesn't make sense..

Maybe with his logic, if he can't keep me than he'll make money off of me.

Or maybe he doesn't want me exploiting him. I mean even the media sensed that our relationship was forced.

I got up from the freezing floor, grabbing a robe and putting it on. I limped to the hair accessories and grabbed a hair pin. I have been waiting for this moment. Mark and most of the guards are gone.

On my way to the door, I put scissors in my robe pocket. I picked the lock on the door and made my way out. I looked out the bedroom window and saw that Mark had all the guards lined up outside, choosing which ones would stay here. So I took it as a chance to run. Run to the rooftop.

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