Thank You

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I just wanted to before I publish this next chapter thank you all for reading so far. If there is anything you would like to see then drop it in a comment I read them all. 

As to your suggestions Jack very may well be returning in future episodes.

Please keep yourself safe and continue to enjoy these stories. I will take a break from this series to the next series is on but that will be a good few episodes in the future. I might do some Joshua Bassett centered stories in that off time or maybe some others. If so who would you like to see as pairings?


I love reading your comments and seeing your likes please feel free to write away I very much enjoy reading them all and they give me great ideas and drive to continue writing.

I also have a general Discord for my other things. I have a section for reading now on it.

After joining message me on there and I will give you a role to see an NSFW section if you want to speak in more detail about this.

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