Chapter 21: Unravelled

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Ricky stood there with his baggy shirt and pair of boxers on while EJ stood there in just his boxers. As they both stared at seven police officers stood outside holding a piece of paper.

The police officer stood there smiling as he looked the lads up and down. "What do we have here then..." The man looked through them with his beautiful hazel eyes and dark stubble on his chin. "Names Officer Rider and we need to search these premises."

EJ looked at him and bit his lip, "Wait my Dad's out of town and theres no adults here."

Officer Rider looked at EJ and smirked, "Shame that now move over or I will arrest you on obstruction kid."

"Let me just ring my..." EJ moved from the door in just his boxers and went to grab his phone but it was to late the officers had pushed through the door past a shaking Ricky.

Two of the officers turned up the room they stood in while the others split leavin Rider looking at EJ. "Now just sit down and be a good boy."

"Please just let me call my Dad." EJ said scared as the officer placed his hand towards his taser.

"If you do tell him we are searching for documents linking him to corruption in his attorney office. He took a bribe from someone to get his son. You I pressume into a school." Officer Rider stated.

EJ looked at his phone and then at the officer. He moved away from his phone and looked down the corridor thinking about what was happening.

"Sit down before I make you boy." The officer continued. "I will taser you will you wet yourself."

EJ sat down on the couch as Ricky joint him. as they sat Ricky moved his hand to hold EJ's before they squeezed each others hands.

Ricky looked at the police officer and said softly to EJ, "Something doesn't feel right. I think we should try and get hold of my Dad."

EJ looked over at his phone and then at Ricky, "I don't want this getting out tho. They won't find anything."

Officer Rider sat opposite the lads and smiled, "I have seen you before. You was fucking him in a hotel."

EJ and Ricky looked at each other before Ricky spoke up, "We didn't post that."

"But it was hot, I mean me and some of the other officers enjoyed watching that when we was looking at the details of this case." The Officer smiled as he rubbed his crotch, "Why would your Dad risk his whole career for two fags like you tho. We heard he got moaner over there a place aswell for next year but you decided it wasn't good enough for you."

EJ clenched his fist, "Shut up we have nothing to say to you."

Suddenly a shout came from the corridor, "Boss you need to see this."

Officer Rider stood and looked at the lads, "Do not leave this house do you understand me."

EJ gave a glare that showed the most contrition and hate.

"Glen come over here grab that fag and handcuff him to the bar by the breakfast bar." Officer Rider said as he grabbed EJ. He pulled him to the breakfast bar and tripped him to the floor, "Behave."

"Have you never heard of brutality!" EJ shouted.

The officer grabbed EJ after kicking him in the stomach. As he handcuffed the lad to the solid foot rest. Ricky complied and joint his boyfriend on the floor and accepted getting handcuffed to the rest.

"Told you this wasn't right but I managed to grab your phone so we can contact someone." Ricky smiled while he fished the phone out of his boxers. "Just need your finger print and we can call someone."

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