Chapter 30: The Dinner

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"So what should we do tonight?" Ricky called over the length of the house.

Just to hear EJ bellow back, "Well after we drop off the camera to Mazzara thjen we have that dinner reservation."

"Forgot about dinner sure you don't just wanna... make the most of the night and film something else?" Ricky asked as he played with his wrist. He was wearing some red Chinos and a pair of socks both of which belonged to EJ yet he had taken to lounging in them especially just after they had sex.

"Come on babe we haven't been out for ages." EJ still said as his voice echoed through the house.

"Yeah but think we are only young once and I mean... You know I wanna fuck." Ricky swung his head back knowing he was not going to win this discussion.

EJ had got closer when he said this time not having to shout at the top of his voice, "We have fucked three times today." EJ stopped open a door as he felt a draft and then he gave himself a smile looking at the towel on the floor, "My arse and cock are sore from it if I am honest."

Ricky moaned, "I could keep going! Come on..."

EJ shook his head, "Ricky your on heat, you sure you're not a dog?"

With that the topless Ricky looked up at EJ who was fully dressed in black dress trousers and a shirt. Ricky gave a mischievious smile before getting on to his hands and knees. He tipped his head to the side as you would see a dog do and his eyes glinted as he let out a small bark, then a growl.

Ricky shook his delightful butt as it was in the air biting his lip, both guys eyes looking directly at each other. The chemistry electrifying the air around them.

EJ placed his hands up to his head. Yet he smiled, "What are you..."

Ricky just barked again and then everytime EJ went to speak he would growl playfully. EJ slunk down as he stood there looking at Ricky.

EJ turned round walking away shaking his head before looking over his shoulder, "The taxi is in thirty minutes please be ready."

Ricky placed his bottom lip over his top and pretended to sulk as he dropped his weight back on to the sofa. "No fair..."


As they got to the drop off Mr. Mazzara's apartment to drop off the cameras they knocked on the door and was surprised to hear loud moaning coming from the living room.

The door was ajar as EJ pushed it open , he tooke the cameras and placed them into the front door and into the landing. The second person sounds was definitly male as they grunted and groaned.

EJ looked over towards Ricky who bit his lip when EJ looked across and then he said quietly, "Should we peek to see who it is?"

EJ shook his head as he turned and then they heard an obvious third person moan.

Ricky just asked again softly, "Are you sure you don't want to know?"

EJ curiousity was getting the better of him they was both just stood there they could have walked away already but the skin slapping, vocal groaning that they was listening to was almost like the greatest trap that you could lay for anyone.

"I mean we could just peak?" Ricky stated as he stepped in and slowly pushed the living room door open.

"EJ is that you with the camera's." mr Mazzara shouted as he stopped driving his cock into the moaning bottom before him who had a dick shoved deep down his throat.

"Yeah, we will leave them at the door." EJ replied.

Ricky looked back at EJ before he walked out the house. They took a few steps away as the door started to close but then it happened something in Ricky he turned marched through the house door and then walked in the living room in his trousers and shirt.

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