Sweet & Sour Sauce

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Sakura Haruno was confused.

One second she was studying scrolls of muscles and the most effective ways of healing them. The next, her wrists were bound behind her back, clothes torn and hanging off of her limbs.

"How is this possible...?" Sakura moaned. She looked down towards the dark-haired man burying his face in between her thighs. His bangs tickled her, making her quiver with every stab of his tongue. She could feel that aristocratic nose nudging her clit with each movement. He gripped her ankles shifting them occasionally as if undecided on whether to keep her legs spread or tight around his head. Her inner muscles shivered, feeling the protruding tongue dance along its wetness. "I don't understand. You're...not from here."

Sasuke Uchiha removed his face from Sakura's pussy. The corners of his mouth twinkled in the light, shining with her juices. A very confident smirk splayed upon his pale face. "No, no. I belong here." He emphasized his point, tapping her clit with his pointer finger enjoying the quick shudder of his action. "I told you already, I'd always be by your side. How I get there is unimportant." Grazing his finger along her labia, he licked his finger and continued, "oh damn, I don't have a rose for you this time." Sakura made a noise within her throat, as he thrust the same finger deep inside her. "Oh wait, I found it."

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried out with her muscles clamping down on his finger. Her hips gyrated as his mouth returned and continued its sensual dance along her soaking slit. She threw her head back, her neck muscles craning. Mouth hanging open, hot breaths puffed out unable to keep up with the young man invading her center. She felt she was getting close, she shut her eyes tight with every slash of tongue on her clit. Her entire body was a nerve, any more sensation and she was sure it'd be over.


Her eyes shot open. A deep, rumbling voice came from behind her. Calloused fingers began its trek along her sides. His nails ran against the weight of her breast and stopping at her nipples. Not even a second, the questing fingers pinched her nipples and her body lunged forward but could not move any further. He had his other hand wrapped around her waist.

"Sasuke-kun...?" She whispered staring straight ahead unable to look behind her, much less shift her body. His hair tickled her ears, and slid along her cheeks.


She felt the man bring his lips to hover over her right cheeks. He brought his hand away from her waist to grasp her chin harshly. He turned her face to look at him and he met her lusty emerald gaze with his smoldering onyx eyes. She was about to speak, but all words failed as he forced her mouth onto his.

There was a multitude of sensations. The other Sasuke tangled with her vaginal lips as the only Sasuke she could ever love aggressively ate her mouth. With every lash of the tongue from both Sasuke's, her nether lips dripped with more excitement she could barely understand.

Sakura could only moan, she didn't know when to breathe. Sasuke never relented on his ministrations, his tongue deepening their kiss, his teeth clacking against her own.

She let her eyes close, trying her best to keep up with Sasuke's kissing. She tried to think about what could have happened that resulted in the Sasuke from the genjutsu-world to be in same room as the Sasuke of her world. And then, the Sasuke between her legs plunged his tongue as far as it could go inside of her making her lose her train of thought.

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