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The original title of this oneshot is called "Caught." But since I already put a oneshot here that has the same title weeks ago, I decided to change the title to "Cameras."

Also, sorry for not updating this book. I got really busy with school and I didn't have time to read/find good smuts.


"You remember the plan, right?"

Sarada whispers, cupping her hand to the side of her mouth, side eyeing the boy beside her. Boruto kicks a rock to the side. Lifting his blue eyes to the shinobi before them- Sarada's father, Sasuke Uchiha. The blonde haired boy gulps.

He didn't stir as she whispered, which was a brave move to speak of their plan this openly. He puckers his lips out and wavers his eyes to her as he slowed his steps. Narrowing his gaze as he coolly glanced at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell your dad you'll have dinner at my house then."

Boruto replies, eyes moving on the swaying cloak before him. If Sasuke ever caught wind of this, well-Boruto didn't want to know what he'd do...

Sarada nods and skips forward to meet her father's pace. The sunlight hitting the small spectacles of her glasses as she peered up to her father who kept his speed.

"Hey dad, is it okay if I have dinner at the Uzumaki's? We have to study for a test that's on Friday." Her words came out jagged, it was apparent she was nervous and Boruto watched carefully as Sarada clasped her hands behind her back. His own jaw clenching as Sasuke kept his pace.

A unison of gasps come from the two teens, Sasuke halts in his tracks, the fabric of his cloak stopped with him, snapping his head back to look at the young Uzumaki who swallowed and put forth a toothy grin.

A silent gush of wind disturbs the bangs of the elder Uchiha, as he met the gaze of the young man.

"That's fine with me. I'm glad you're putting your academics first, Sarada." Sasuke murmurs slowly and turns around changing route to the Uzumaki household, oddly oblivious to the sneaky tactic his daughter and ex-rival's son, had in mind.

Boruto sighs heavily, feeling a boulder dissipate from his shoulders.

(Two weeks prior):

"What! You want to sneak on your mom and dad?" Boruto spit out as he bit into a handful of french-fries. Sarada, nods lips pursed straight with a tint of rose on her cheeks. Her eyes gleaming.

"My mom and dad never hug...or even kiss! I'm not even sure if they sleep in the same bed." Sarada huffs and catches her chin in her hands as she slumps over the rather dirty tabletop of the fast food's dining area, a spot that Boruto (and Chou-Chou), loved to hangout at.

"Hmm..." he takes a bite of the burger in his hand and his eyes wander off in serious thought. He swallows. "How are you gonna do it?" He questions, meeting her dark gaze, her lips falling into a line as she pulls out her small coin purse. Unsnapping the clutch she reveals a small, plastic zipped baggie; containing four black, small and wide cylinder shaped tubes.

"What is it...?" He looks at her with wide eyes and she shakes her head and furrows her brows.

"Cameras. I'm going to set them up around the house." She perks up with a grin.

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