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The next morning Sam came down the stairs first. 'Good morning slept well?' Ginnifer asked the girl cheerfully. 'Yes of course.' Sam replied, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She sat down at the breakfast table. 'Do you feel like going to school?' asked Josh. "Look, yes." Sam replied. "And you Zoey?" Josh continued. Zoey shook her head. "Come on. It's gonna be fun!" Sam patted her on the shoulder.

"I'll take you to school." Josh said when the girls had finished their breakfast. "And I'll take you two away by bike." Ginnifer said to Oliver and Hugo. "Why can't we get in the car with Daddy?" asked Oliver. "Because your school is much closer." Ginnifer replied.


"Have fun at school girls." Josh said as Sam and Zoey got out of the car. "Okay, so we had to report to the administration first." Sam said to her sister. Zoey nodded and she followed Sam.

'Hi, I'm Sam and that's my sister Zoey, we're new here. I think we had to report here.' Sam told the woman behind the counter. 'That's right! What's your last name?' the woman asked. "We're registered under the name Dallas." said Sam. "Ah I see Sam you are in class 2h1 and Zoey you are in class 2h4." told the woman. 'But aren't we in the same class then?' Zoey asked with a tremor in her voice. 'That's right, sorry girls but these were the only spots left.'

Sam and Zoey each got their own schedule and walked to their classroom for their first lesson and for Sam that was history.


Sam walked into the crowded classroom and sat alone at the back at a table of two. Sam noticed that all eyes were suddenly on her. "I see we have a new face." said the teacher standing in front of the class. "My name in Mr. Johnsen. Tell me something about yourself.' He continued. "My name is Sam and I'm fourteen years old." told Sam. "Okay welcome Sam, does anyone have any questions for her?" Mr. Johnsen asked the class. Immediately a few fingers went up in the air. "Did you move here?" a girl on the other side of the class asked.

'Um, actually, I now live with my twin sister in a foster family. Their names are Josh Dallas and Ginnifer Goodwin they are both actors." told Sam. "That Josh Dallas is playing in Manifest, right?" Another girl asked. 'Hell yes.' Sam nodded proudly. Immediately, Sam noticed that the whole class found her quite interesting.

"Okay, enough class on Sam, let's start with the real class now. If you want to know more about her, you better chat during the break.' said Mr. Johnson. "We're going to start with a project, so make pairs." he continued. Immediately the whole class paired up and a boy with blue eyes and a bit of blond hair walked up to Sam. "Would you like to work with me?" he asked Sam. 'Yeah right.' She replied and the boy sat down next to her.

"What's your name?" Sam asked the boy.' Oh yes, completely forgot of course.' he laughed. "My name is Niall." He said. "Nice to meet you Niall." Smiled Sam.

After a while the school bell rang and class was over. 'Will you come and sit at my table? We're on a break.' Niall asked Sam. 'Yes that's OK.' she said and she followed him.

"Okay Sam, these are Harry, Louis and Liam my three best friends." Niall pointed to the three boys already seated at the table. "And that's Jade and Lydia." He continued and he pointed to the two girls who were also sitting at the table. Once Sam had met everyone, she sat down next to Niall at the large table.

'So tell us a little about yourself. I heard your foster parents are famous actors?' asked Harry. 'That's right! Josh and Ginny are both in Once Upon A Time." told Sam. 'So fat! I'm a big fan of that series.' said Lydia enthusiastically. Sam laughed at her enthusiasm and said, "You can come by sometime, but I'll have to make sure Colin is there too." "Omg you mean Colin O'Donoghue? That handsome pirate?' Lydia said, meanwhile getting more and more enthusiastic. "Haha yes I mean that." laughed Sam.


Before Sam knew it, it was the end of her first day of school and she was walking out of the building. "Sam!" She suddenly heard and turned around. It was Niall. "Hey Niall is something wrong?" Sam asked the boy. "Well I was thinking, maybe we can meet soon at one of our homes for the project?" He asked. 'Yes, of course, I'll give you my number so we can text you later how and what.' Sam said and she gave Niall her number. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow!" Niall said and turned around.

"Who was that boy?" Zoey asked who came walking up. 'That's Niall. I'm in his class.' Sam replied. "How was your day anyway?" she asked her sister. "Well I sat alone all day, you were nowhere to be seen." Zoey said in an angry voice. 'I'm sorry Zoe. I was with my new friends.' Sam replied. "But look, there's Josh already with the car!" Said Sam to change the subject.

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