~ Prologue: Icy Introductions Pt. 1 ~

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~~???'s POV~~

Finally...they have all arrived. It took so long to scout out the proper participants for this. The past few attempts have always resulted in failure...but this time...this time will be different. I have finally perfected the process to ensure the outcome that is necessary. The pain and anguish they will feel underneath my hand will be EXILERHATING!! To watch them tear themselves apart, destroy the friends they once had, KILL ALL THAT THEY LOVE!! They will feel the pain I once felt...experience exactly what it means to watch all that they have come to care for fall just out of reach to save....they must feel what I felt...they MUST...


~~Miki's POV~~

The past few days have been exhausting. Having to pack for an entirely new chapter of your life is hard enough as it is, but having to also help pack your 16 year old brother's  entire life away as well. I got up from my bed, I had laid down to try and destress but it was most definitely not helping. Moving across my bedroom to my dresser, I stared into the mirror I had attached a few years ago. My purple hair was put into two messy braids, tossed to the back. It wasn't the nicest hair style I had worn, but mother insisted I don't look too "uptight" for my first day at The Ultimatum Academy. I grabbed the remaining box in my room, there wasn't much inside of it, but it felt heavy nonetheless. It held the last few things I needed for my new dorm room, a few books, a blanket, the "necessities" as I liked to put it. I left my room, making my way down the stairs to the car outside. Shoving the box into an open spot, not really paying attention to if it really fit or not. Taking inventory of the car, I couldn't think of anything I was missing. I had most of my clothes packed away, my laptop and backpack were in the floorboard of the passenger seat if I needed it. The boxes chalk full of me and Toda's belongings were all in their place. I did a last second check of my hair in the car mirror before walking back inside, making my way to the kitchen. Mother was still working on a last minute "surprise", even though both me and Toda knew it was gonna be her oatmeal cookies. I could hardly stand them, but Toda absolutely loved them. I knew if I complained Mother would insist on sending them, as "she was loosing her two babies to the real world". That was how she liked to put it. Me and Toda were the her only children, and without our...other parent around she didn't have anyone in the house anymore. So she was going to be sitting alone, she would never admit it, but I think she resents me for being so close to Toda. If we hadn't of been so close, he would never have insisted on enrolling for early entry to the Academy with me. She would have 3 more years before he left. I sighed, Mother has always been protective of Toda. Ensuring he was doing okay and wasn't feeling too overwhelmed in classes. Toda has always been rather gifted when it comes to his brain, ever since I started school he has followed me. He would be on level with the classes I was taking and would be enrolled in the same grade as me, even taking every class with me. At first I found it annoying, but I soon grew accustomed to him being there. He was even better than me in most classes, so I would actually get help from him time to time. But now was my chance to be my own person, stretch my wings and soar...or however that saying went. I still very vividly remember the day the email came across. I was sitting working on my latest game, when I suddenly heard my mom scream. Both me and Toda quickly made our way downstairs to find our Mother sitting on the floor practically shaking. She just pointed at the email she had opened while preparing dinner for the two of us. 

To the Family of Miki Yoshiyuki,

Congratulations! Your daughter, Miki Yoshiyuki, has been scouted by The Ultimatum Academy! As you may know, the Ultimatum Academy is a very prestigious school that only accepts the best of the best in their fields. And we are proud to say, Miki Yoshiyuki has displayed qualities we always strive to see in our student body! We are offer her a place in our 38th class as the Ultimate Video Game Developer, she (along with her new classmates) will be using our branch location located at the following address on the form attached. We hope to hear back from you!

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