~ Chapter 1: Frozen Fear DAILY LIFE Pt.3 ~

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~~ Miki's P.O.V ~~

Waking up I found that Kamino had migrated during the night and seemed to be using my legs as a pillow. I sat up carefully and began to remove my legs from underneath her head....I couldn't feel my legs. I let out a sigh and took a long couple minutes going through the entire process of waking my legs up. Finally after about 15 minutes I was able to stand up, gathering my items from the floor I began to glance around. It seemed only a few people still remained in the Rec Room after the sleepover last night, most had already left and taken their stuff. Walking back to my room, I passed by Ebina and Michi chatting in the main lounge as well as Aki exiting her room to head somewhere. As I entered my room, I saw Mei was sitting at her desk writing something in a journal. I said my hellos before grabbing some fresh clothes and entering the bathroom to take a quick shower. As I let the water from the shower warm up, I glanced into the mirror. Last night was really fun, I hope we can find something else to do to keep the spirits high. I looked at myself in the mirror more intently, my eyes still had bags underneath them but the shine seemed to have returned. Last night I was able to steal glances at Toda without him realizing, and he seemed to have been really enjoying himself. Turning back to the shower, I hopped in and relaxed a bit. After my shower was over, I tossed on my new clothes and exited the bathroom. Mei seemed to have already left, even tucking her notebook away in her desk. I glanced over both of our beds....mine was a complete mess as I hadn't even made it after the first night of sleeping here. Mei's on the other hand was neat and tidy, she seemed to make it every morning. But glancing at the floor, it seemed she had missed a pillow so I grabbed it and plopped it on her bed so she could put it in its place she came back. I tossed my clothes in the dirty clothes chute and made my way out of the room. I began walking back to the Main Lounge, but it seemed Ebina and Michi had already wrapped up their conversation and went their separate ways. Bored out of my mind I decided to go and walk around the Storage Room, wondering exactly was all in there. Because when Kamino and I woke up, there were lots of dangerous weapons, and apparently there was a piñata and some rope as well. So what else could be there? Opening the door, I started to browse the various aisles of materials and items. There certainly was quite a lot, almost anything I could think of was somewhere among these shelves. I kept moving aisle to aisle, taking in everything that was on the shelves....until I came across a sight that made me loose my breath.... Slumped up against one of the back walls.....unmoving....was Akira Murakami, the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist...my heart stopped. I immediately ran over to him, grabbing him and shaking his shoulders. My breath shaking along with it, and then he opened his eyes. "Oh hey Miki..." he said sleepily. My eyes went wide... "AKIRA YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I shouted immediately smacking his arm. "Ow! Sorry, I must of fallen asleep by accident" he chuckled and let out a big yawn. The tears that had been building up in my eyes began to fall as I let out a large sigh. "You big idiot. Don't go falling asleep in random places...especially when you already look like a corpse." I playfully said. Akira smiled back, "Well...since you're already here and I don't feel like moving...wanna hang out?" I laughed but nodded in response. We mostly talked about various theories that were silly, or some theories that very well could have some ground about them....and then Akira went on a tangent about how capitalism is the largest conspiracy around and that the entire world should just be rebuilt from the group up, but that's literally impossible so he just gets angry at the world......anyways....I feel like I grew closer to Akira today! I waved goodbye and made my way back to the Main Lounge, glancing at the clock along the way, it was already 9pm! I must have been so engrossed in Akira's rant that I didn't even realize the time flying by. Also realizing I had skipped lunch, I made my way to the Cafeteria before heading to bed. No one else was in the room, but a plate of muffins sat on the table directly across from the door a little sign sitting next to it, "Feel free to take one!". Aiko must have decided to bake today, how sweet. Looking over the plate, there was a large variety of muffins. Chocolate chip, banana nut, lemon poppy seed, and...wait...is that? Oh my god she made one with kiwi in them! My cheeks started to warm up in embarrassment, Aiko must really care if she took time to make this muffin for me. I grabbed the muffin and a bottle of water before heading to my room. I popped a few bites in my mouth on the way, "Wow! This is actually really good" I exclaimed out loud. I finished off the muffin, and opened the door to my room. Oh, Mei is already in bed. I placed my bottle of water on my bedside table, my head starting to hurt a little. I sighed, I was feeling better about being trapped in this place, but I guess it was starting to get to me. Time went by, the nighttime announcement went off and my headache just wouldn't go away. My vision even began to blur, I must have been more tired than I thought...but something was wrong. Glancing at the clock, I could barley make it out but I knew something was wrong. I had slept most of the day, why was I getting so light headed? I tried to stand up, but I couldn't move. My mind began to go black, as my consciousness faded...


I awoke with a start, my head pounding. I could hardly remember what had happened the night before. I sat up immediately, rubbing my eyes trying to get rid of the fog that glazed over them. Finally I could see, the clock read 6:48am...it was super early...why was I awake? Something was off, and I couldn't tell what it was. I got out of bed, my feet hitting the cold wood floor. I quickly made my way out of the room, opening my door with haste. To my surprise I found Aiko and Himari having a small chat while walking down the hallway. They both turned in shock as I opened the door quickly, both looking at me with eyes wide. "Miki....you okay? You don't look so good..." Aiko said, her face full of worry. I could barley get the words out, but I finally spoke. "Somethings wrong...." I quickly took off down the hallway, feeling one of my braids had come undone during the night. I disregarded it, making my way through the hallways. I first looked in the Cafeteria and Kitchen, nothing. I made my way to the Storage Room...still nothing. As I reached for the handle of the Rec Room, Aiko and Himari caught up to me "Please slow down Miki! Is everything okay? You're really worrying us!" Himari squeaked out. I just looked at them, letting out a long sigh. "I know it's probably nothing, but I just have a very bad feeling right now. I just need to check all the rooms I can." Aiko looked at me, her eyes darting to the side as she thought. "It's okay Miki, we trust you. Lets clear this last room and you can go get some sleep" I nodded and closed my tired eyes for a second. I gathered my thoughts, "What is there to be worried about? Why am I so paranoid? Nothing happened, I'm just being weird" I thought to myself as I pushed open the door to be proved dead wrong....My eyes started with the small pool of blood on the floor, then following the drips upwards I found a sight that would be burned into my memory forever. Fresh blood still dripping from the head wound, suspended like a broken marionette doll from the ceiling by rope tied to the support beams...was none other than my own roommate Mei Toshiro, the Ultimate Private Investigator...


A Body Has Been Discovered! 

Please make your way to the Rec Room!

After a certain amount of time for an investigation, a class trial will be held! Ta-Ta!

My mind was numb as I could hear the panic and rush of the others coming down the hall...




Himari Kiyomi ~ Ultimate Horror Novelist ~ ALIVE

Kamino Okira ~ Ultimate Ornithologist ~ ALIVE

Malorie Shinshato ~ Ultimate Video Game Streamer ~ ALIVE

Hiroki Fujita ~ Ultimate Lepidopterist ~ ALIVE

Mei Toshiro ~ Ultimate Private Investigator ~ DECEASED

Kaya Takashi ~ Ultimate Matchmaker ~ ALIVE

Akira Murakami ~ Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist ~ ALIVE

Ito Shinjo ~ Ultimate Glow Artist ~ ALIVE

Michi Yoshida ~ Ultimate Music Producer ~ ALIVE

Aiko Matsumura ~ Ultimate Pastry Chef ~ ALIVE

Sakuar Miya ~ Ultimate Epidemiologist ~ ALIVE

Ame Ko ~ Ultimate Anime Enthusiast ~ ALIVE

Yagi Seiji ~ Ultimate Student Council President ~ ALIVE

Ebina Kinmochi ~ Ultimate Escape Artist ~ ALIVE

Shinji Notokabe ~ Ultimate Dungeon Master ~ ALIVE

Yagami Kuri ~ Ultimate Forensic Anthropologist ~ ALIVE

Toda Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Puzzle Master ~ ALIVE

Aki Hatsuki ~ Ultimate Oneirologist ~ ALIVE

Miki Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Video Game Developer ~ ALIVE

Aoyama Washi ~ Ultimate Violinist ~ ALIVE


Authors Note


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