~ Chapter 1: Frozen Fear DEADLY LIFE Pt.1 ~

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~~ Toda's P.O.V ~~

I rushed into the room, finding Miki on her knees. Aiko and Himari were not to far from her, the latter facing away from the grueling scene laid out before us. Mei Toshiro was strung up with rope, blood still dripping from her head. I could feel the blood drain from my face, as I looked upon the girl who was once my friend hanging lifeless. My stomach immediately began to hurt, I felt like I was going to be sick but I needed to be strong. I needed to show others I wasn't going to let this distract me from what our goal is. Before I could speak, someone else..... or something else spoke first. "WOwie! That's a first in my entire existence!" MonoFox exclaimed, everyone immediately turning towards him. "What do you mean?" Ebina spit at MonoFox, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I mean! I typically have to give at least a motive before someone goes and kills for the first time! This person must really want to escape!! HAHAHAHAHA" he laughed. Everyone just turned away in disgust, some even letting out a disgusted sigh. "Well anyways ya twerps! Ya better get to investigating, cause the trial is gonna start before ya know it!" I made my way to Miki's side, she was in a pretty bad state but we needed to get investigating. Aiko and Himari gave a worried glance before I gave them a knowing look, letting them see that I have her under control. After a while, Miki seemed to have calmed down enough to walk around with me but she still didn't seem to speak. I explained what we needed to do and she just nodded, and waited for me to walk. Before I could do so however, MonoFox appeared once again "Hello twerps! I forgot to give you the FoxiFile! Its a file that tells ya a few details about the dead body in front of you! See ya!" Our phones all buzzed simultaneously, checking it rather quickly I saw that the FoxiFile had been uploaded to our phones. I tapped on it and took in the information;

FoxiFile #1

Victim: Mei Toshiro

Cause of Death: Blunt Force Trauma

Time of Death: 2:28am

Found By: Aiko Matsumura, Himari Kiyomi & Miki Yoshiyuki

Additional Info: multiple bruises can be found on the body, located on the head, face, and legs. Many of her bones are broken in multiple places.

TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ FoxiFile #1! The information displayed infront of me told me a bit more about the scene in front of me, "Hmm, so she died due to blunt force trauma, interesting."  I glanced back to Miki, she was definitely in a bad state. I took her over to one of the empty chairs in a corner, she needed time to work through her stress. Helming the investigation for the two of us, I turned back to the room. It seemed most people had begun to spread out and conduct their own investigations, gather the information that they needed to figure out who did this to Mei. Some of the physically stronger among us had helped bring Mei's body down from its hanging state, but otherwise leaving it the exact same as to not disturb the evidence. I took a brave step closer to her body, deciding to give it a look over to see if I could find anything that would help me. At first glance, she just looked like she had fallen into a deep sleep. But the fresh wound on the back of her head would suggest otherwise, blood still slowly pooling out of it. Much like how the FoxiFile mentioned, she had many other bruises located across her body. The most prominent one besides the head wound was the large bruises on her face. Looking closer at her arms and legs, a gruesome detail could be noticed. Her bones were broken in many places, almost like she was shattered before being hung up. Glancing over to the rope that had been used to hang her up, I immediately identified as one that had come from the Storage Room. Or in other words, a rope that anyone had access to this entire time. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Rope from Storage Room! Moving to the other most obvious thing in the room, I walked to one of the corners. A wooden bat was propped up against the wall, despite its relatively clean nature it was obvious it had been used. Droplets of water indicated that it had been cleaned not too long ago. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Bat in the Rec Room! Peering around some more, I noticed Yagi was talking to Shinji near one of the couches. He seemed to be gesturing to something under the couch, urging Shinji to help him move it. I began my approach with Yagi noticing first, "Ah! Hello, Mr. Yoshiyuki. How goes you're investigation?" he asked. I shrugged, "About as good as you can get when investigating a murder of your friend..." I responded glumly, "Anyways, what are you doing?" I then asked. Yagi simply pushed up his glasses, "Well you see. I have a memory like no other! I am able to remember the layout of a room precisely as it was when I first saw it!" He posed proudly, I just cracked a small smile. Giving him a look of "and what does that have to do with this?". His cheeks turned a bright red and he coughed awkwardly. "Well, using that memory I was able to notice that this couch is shifted back exactly two feet! So I figured it must have something to do with the case!" He gestured with his hand about two feet. "And Mr. Notokabe was going to help me move it!" Shinji then perked up and flexed his muscles...which were actually pretty decent "He must work out a lot in-between DnD games..." I thought to myself. He and Yagi then gripped the edges of the couch and began to scoot it back to its original position, or at least according to Yagi. As they moved the couch I began to notice something appear on the floor that was once covered, it was dark and a little hard to see at first. But then it was obvious, laying before us was a haphazardly cleaned up blood stain. Not very big, but enough blood to notice. "Huh, that's not really what I excepted to be under the couch....but I guess it makes sense. Move a big object on top of a stain you cant fully get rid of..." Shinji stated as he and Yagi took notice of the stain as well. "Interesting indeed. If they displayed the body, why hide this stain? It must be important to catching the killer..." I mentally noted. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Blood Stain! I then took one last look over the Rec Room, it seemed I had found everything that was out of place in here. So I moved on to investigate a new room. Entering the hallway I noticed that a few people were checking out Miki and Mei's room, so I decided to tag along.  I pushed my way through the few people, finally emerging into the empty room. The most noticeable thing about the room was that both beds were unmade, "Huh...weird" I thought to myself TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Unmade Bed! "That one is Mei's....she never leaves it unmade after she gets up" a tired voice said behind me. I turned around to see Miki standing not to far back, her eyes seemed dead and her voice was strained. "Its how I knew something was wrong...if she were to get up, she would make it unless she was planning on coming back quickly....she didn't even know it was coming" Miki's voice cracked, she looked like she was about to cry. I grabbed her hand and brought her further into the room, after giving her a quick hug. "I hate to make you do this, but is there anything else you can see that is out of place?" she glanced around the room, her dull eyes locking onto each object in the room. As she passed by Mei's desk, she cocked her head to the side before saying, "She normally puts her journal away after she's done writing. But right now its just sitting on her desk like it was thrown there..." I walked over to her desk and glance at the notebook. I turned a few pages, it seemed to be an entry of what she did each day including who she talked to and a rough retelling of the conversation. I did notice one thing intriguing though, the entry from the day before which would have included the time before she died, was missing. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Mei's Journal! "Hmmm, this is very interesting. Why would the killer take the entry unless it had crucial information?" I turned back to Miki, "Thank you, that was actually very helpful. If you could pass on the info to others so they know about it, that would be great. I'm going to go explore the Cafeteria." I gave her a soft pat on the shoulder before leaving. I ventured back down the hallway, this time turning into the Cafeteria. I glanced around and didn't see that much out of the ordinary, the only thing that stood out was a plate on the table nearest to the door. It had 3 muffins left on the tray, one was chocolate chip and the other two were banana nut. A small sign sat next to them saying "Feel free to take one!" TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Plate of Muffins! Looking around the kitchen, there wasn't much else that seemed to be important, so I decided to move on too the Storage Room. Exiting into the hall I took the path straight, entering the Storage Room. "This room must be important, the killer had grabbed the rope so maybe they left some clues as well" I said to myself as I looked around. The first thing that was already painfully obvious was two empty spots from some equipment, more specially a bat and a length of rope. We already saw those in the Rec Room so we know where they ended up. Looking up and down the shelves, I couldn't quite tell if anything else had been taken. "U-uh....Toda...." A meek voice called out to me, I turned to see Sakura standing there. She was looking at her shoes, an air of embarrassment around her. "Oh! Hello Sakura, what can I do for you?" I asked, cocking my head a little. "W-well...I could tell you were looking for anything missing so I thought I'd tell you. I-I'm the closest we have to a doctor so I took inventory of the medicines available in here since we don't have an infirmary...and after we found Mei I noticed we were missing a bottle of sleeping pills..." she stated. Despite her very meek and shy nature, she was actually very good at getting what she was saying out. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Missing Bottle of Sleeping Pills! I smiled, "Thank you for telling me Sakura! That actually does help a bunch!" I gave her a quick hug, and ran off. That seemed to be all the physical evidence, now I just needed to ask people what they were doing last night!




Himari Kiyomi ~ Ultimate Horror Novelist ~ ALIVE

Kamino Okira ~ Ultimate Ornithologist ~ ALIVE

Malorie Shinshato ~ Ultimate Video Game Streamer ~ ALIVE

Hiroki Fujita ~ Ultimate Lepidopterist ~ ALIVE

Mei Toshiro ~ Ultimate Private Investigator ~ DECEASED

Kaya Takashi ~ Ultimate Matchmaker ~ ALIVE

Akira Murakami ~ Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist ~ ALIVE

Ito Shinjo ~ Ultimate Glow Artist ~ ALIVE

Michi Yoshida ~ Ultimate Music Producer ~ ALIVE

Aiko Matsumura ~ Ultimate Pastry Chef ~ ALIVE

Sakuar Miya ~ Ultimate Epidemiologist ~ ALIVE

Ame Ko ~ Ultimate Anime Enthusiast ~ ALIVE

Yagi Seiji ~ Ultimate Student Council President ~ ALIVE

Ebina Kinmochi ~ Ultimate Escape Artist ~ ALIVE

Shinji Notokabe ~ Ultimate Dungeon Master ~ ALIVE

Yagami Kuri ~ Ultimate Forensic Anthropologist ~ ALIVE

Toda Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Puzzle Master ~ ALIVE

Aki Hatsuki ~ Ultimate Oneirologist ~ ALIVE

Miki Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Video Game Developer ~ ALIVE

Aoyama Washi ~ Ultimate Violinist ~ ALIVE


Author's Note

Hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry again for the long hiatus! :D

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