~ Chapter 1: Frozen Fear DEADLY LIFE Pt.2 ~

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~~ Miki's P.O.V ~~

Toda had caught me up on everything he had found during his investigation, he was a smart kid that's for sure. I slowly rose from my seat in the corner of the Rec Room, I had taken a while to recover from the shock, but I was prepared to face the situation at hand. I needed to solve this case, not just for me and the others safety but to avenge Mei. We hadn't known each other that long, but we became immediate friends. She was a kind to me and everyone in this place...and now she was gone. Someone was selfish enough to murder her, brutally kill her and hang her like a limp doll in the Rec Room. I glanced over to her body, now covered in a sheet after everyone was done investigating it. I turned to Toda, "Well, I guess all that is left to gather is alibi's or any additional information people may have for us..." he looked up at me with a timid glance. "Are you sure you're okay to do this? You were pretty out of it earlier..." his face was full of worry, I could tell he was apprehensive to let me join the investigation. "I'm fine Toda, just was a little shaken from discovering the body." He sighed before nodding, "If you're sure..." he added before we took off. We exited the Rec Room in search of some of our friends, finding no one in the Storage Room. The Lounge was another story, there were quite a few people standing and waiting around...presumably having already finished their investigation. "Hey guys..." I meekly said as I approached. Aiko's head shot up when she heard my voice, a similar look of worry spreading across her face. "Miki! You're okay! I was so worried about you, you just went silent and wouldn't move from the Rec Room! I though you were broken!!" I could hear the cracks in her voice as she ran towards me, enveloping me in a big hug. I was surprised for a second, not knowing how to react, but eventually I returned the hug. "I'm okay Aiko, just a little shaken up. As I'm sure you all are..." Everyone's downcast face told me the answer without a work. "I just want to finish my investigation, Toda caught me up on all the physical evidence you guys found. I just want to ask if any of you guys have any additional information for me." Most people shook their heads or simply frowned in disappointment, but Aiko seemed to light up. "Oh! Oh! Yeah! I have something for you Miki! I can help!" she bounced up and down as she spoke, causing her two pony tails to bounce as well. "Alright Aiko, lay it on me" Aiko smiled cheerfully before continuing. "Well, so, earlier in the night I made dinner for a few people, can't remember exactly who but I gave them the leftovers incase other wanted some. But anyways, I cleaned up my dishes and wanted to chill in my room for a while. When I passed by the Main Lounge I saw Mei sitting in one of the chairs, but she seemed very nervous for some reason. I know Mei is normally a little quiet and shaky but his was like, EXTRA quiet and shaky" she moved her hand outwards to emphasize the extra. "So, yeah, that was about like 7:00pm and I chilled in my room for a while, I think I actually fell asleep cause when I next looked at the clock it was 2:00am! I went to grab a drink from the Dining Room, but on my way back I though I could hear talking coming from the Rec Room but I couldn't tell who. I wasn't suspicious cause like, we haven't had a motive yet so I left it alone and went to bed" She smiled at me, her eyes full of determination to help. "That was actually quite helpful Aiko..." even if it was super long winded. I noted down the main details of her story, TRUTH BULLET OBTAINED ~ Aiko's Account! I turned back towards the group, and could see Ito giving me a glance. It seemed he had something to say, but being the ever quiet boy he was he didn't seem to want to talk in front of the group. "Hey Ito, you can talk to me in the hallway if you want to rather than here." he simply nodded and quickly made his way to the Dorm Hallway to talk. After telling Toda to stay back to chat with the others, I made my way to Ito. "Hey, I know you don't like crowds so I though if you wanted to share something you could do it here." He simply nodded again and began his soft spoken story. "I went to the Storage Room a few days ago and found a book to read. I started it yesterday at breakfast at 9:25am, I read it until well after 8:00pm. Aiko made dinner for me, Shinjo, Himari, Malorie, Kamino and Hiro. She left about 7:00pm, and I didn't see her come back after that." He ended his sentence quite abruptly, seemingly done with his statements. "Well, hopefully that will come in handy later on." Once again, Ito simply nodded and kept quiet. I thanked him for his information and let him go back to the Main Lounge. TRUTH BULLET OBTAINED ~ Ito's Account! I then ventured down the hall, looking for more people to ask for information. Entering the Cafeteria, I found more of my friends sitting and discussing the clues they found while investigating. I glanced around the room and spotted Himari at a table alone, she seemed deep in thought. "Hey Himari, what's up? You look like you're thinking on some stuff." she jumped in surprise, her wide eyes turning to me. "Ah! Miki, you spooked me... Sorry...I'm just not over Mei...it was so brutal..." I could see tears beginning to form in her eyes. "Don't worry Himari ...I'm sure we will be fine. We will catch whoever did this. I swear." Himari sniffles before turning to me and giving a meek smile. "So Himari, do you have any additional information that could help us solve this case?" she shook her head, "Unfortunately not, but I think Kaya said he saw something weird yesterday, so maybe go speak with him?" I nodded and thanked her, making my way over to the table Kaya was sitting at. He was accompanied by Shinji and Yagi. "Hey Kaya, I heard you may have some information that could help with the trial?" Kaya looked up at me, his eyes rather dark. "Of course, I can tell you if you wish." I nodded and urged him to continue, "So I wanted to escape...him" he motioned to Shinji who simply just smiled with innocence, "so I spend the day in the Rec Room. I was relaxing with the wonderful peace and quiet when I noticed Sakura enter the room. I didn't want to sit up from the couch so I don't know what she was doing, and I don't think she saw me either. But she sat something down and immediately left the room, I was too uninterested in her to care about what she set down so I didn't look when I left." He finished simply, seeming to wave me away as he had nothing further to say. "Well...thanks I guess" he didn't even acknowledge my thanks as I left. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Kaya's Account! As we walked away Toda whispered to me, "Its rather weird that Sakura entered the Rec Room and did something before leaving rather quickly, should we ask her about it?" I shake my head, "Let's ask someone close to her who, her sister is probably a good idea" I whisper back as I make my way to Ame. She is sat at a table, seemingly alone and looking down at the table. "Hey Ame, you okay?" I ask as I get closer to the table, she glances up. "Oh...yeah. Just rather shaken up about seeing a dead body...did you need something?" I hesitate about bringing up my questions, but we need as much evidence as we can. "Um, yeah. Did you happen to see Sakura at all yesterday? Just gathering alibis and as much information as I can is all..." I added, trying to soften the question hoping to not upset her. She gave it some though before responding rather tiredly, "Oh, yeah. I spent the entire day with her, we were just hanging out and talking and stuff..." she glanced to the side. "Oh? Is that all? Did you ever have a moment where she wasn't with you?" I was trying to make sense of how Kaya would have seen her if she never left Ame's side. "Well...I did leave to use the bathroom for like 15 minutes, but it wasn't that long. And she stayed outside the door when I was using it...I think" She said rather unsure of herself. I patted her back and thanked her, she looked even more tired after the questioning. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Ame's Account! I walked with Toda back to the Dorm Hallway, we were alone now. Toda sat against the wall, I followed and slide down next to him. "Today has been a lot, huh?" He asked as he turned to face me. I simply sighed, "Yeah, especially after last night..." I replied. Toda looked at me rather confused, "What do you mean?" Oh! That's right, I hadn't had a chance to tell him yet. "Well I went to the Cafeteria a little after 9pm to grab a late dinner cause I had missed it. I saw a plate of muffins for the taking and noticed a kiwi one! I ate it and grabbed a bottle of water and headed back to my room to go to sleep. Mei was already asleep so I quietly went to bed, but something didn't feel right. I tried to get up but passed out in my bed instead. When I woke up I noticed Mei's bed was messy, whenever Mei gets up for the day she always makes it so I figured something was wrong. And that's when I started to search for her and found her body in the Rec Room..." Toda simply listened and nodded as I told him what I had experienced the night before Mei died. It was then that I noticed he was writing it all down, "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, tilting my head. "I am writing it down as evidence, it definitely sounds like something we should remember. It could be valuable." I simply nodded and made sure to bring that up at some point. TRUTH BULLET OPTAINED ~ Miki's Account! As I was about to say another thing to Toda, the intercom system clicked on. "Well well! I think you all have had enough time to investigate and mingle! Make your way to the end of the Dormitory Hallway! I'll see you there!" MonoFox giggled as he turned the mic off. Everyone slowly made their way to the location chosen by MonoFox, only seeing a large red door in front of them. MonoFox then suddenly appeared, "Glad you could all make it! This here is the entrance to the Trial Room! Happily enter this here elevator and ride it on down! Can't wait to see you there!" As MonoFox disappeared yet again, the large red doors slowly opened to revel a rather spacious elevator. We all entered and stood silently as the doors closed, and the elevator began its slow decent to our fate...




Himari Kiyomi ~ Ultimate Horror Novelist ~ ALIVE

Kamino Okira ~ Ultimate Ornithologist ~ ALIVE

Malorie Shinshato ~ Ultimate Video Game Streamer ~ ALIVE

Hiroki Fujita ~ Ultimate Lepidopterist ~ ALIVE

Mei Toshiro ~ Ultimate Private Investigator ~ DECEASED

Kaya Takashi ~ Ultimate Matchmaker ~ ALIVE

Akira Murakami ~ Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist ~ ALIVE

Ito Shinjo ~ Ultimate Glow Artist ~ ALIVE

Michi Yoshida ~ Ultimate Music Producer ~ ALIVE

Aiko Matsumura ~ Ultimate Pastry Chef ~ ALIVE

Sakuar Miya ~ Ultimate Epidemiologist ~ ALIVE

Ame Ko ~ Ultimate Anime Enthusiast ~ ALIVE

Yagi Seiji ~ Ultimate Student Council President ~ ALIVE

Ebina Kinmochi ~ Ultimate Escape Artist ~ ALIVE

Shinji Notokabe ~ Ultimate Dungeon Master ~ ALIVE

Yagami Kuri ~ Ultimate Forensic Anthropologist ~ ALIVE

Toda Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Puzzle Master ~ ALIVE

Aki Hatsuki ~ Ultimate Oneirologist ~ ALIVE

Miki Yoshiyuki ~ Ultimate Video Game Developer ~ ALIVE

Aoyama Washi ~ Ultimate Violinist ~ ALIVE


Author's Note:

HI! I'm so sorry for not being consistent with updates, college is a bitch and I get burnt out so easily. I promise to try and update/work on this more frequently. I'm hopping to have the trial written and posed within the next two weeks or so as it will be all one part, with the execution posted at the same time in a different chapter! Thank you for your patience! 

~ Wallace :D

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