~ Chapter 1: Frozen Fear DAILY LIFE Pt.2 ~

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~~ Toda's P.O.V ~~

Laying in bed, I let out yet another sigh. These past few days have been really stressful. First we wake up in a random school, then get told by a talking stuffed animals that we are trapped here with only one way out....murder. I've hardly left my room since we received the news, both Ebina and Miki keep checking in on me to make sure I don't waste away in here. I hate being a burden to them, but I never have the energy to go and interact with everyone else....but if were gonna be trapped here for the foreseeable future I should probably at least get to know some of them. I sat up on my bed, glancing at the clock in the room. It was 3:30pm, Ebina had left closer to noon after grabbing me some lunch. "Man, he really cares for me despite just meeting me...I should appreciate him more..." I thought to myself. I quickly took a shower, as I hadn't cleaned up since we awoke here, and got dressed in some of the fresh clothes provided. I then opened the door, I should at least explore a little and see who I run into. I took a look at the map, and much like Miki had mentioned when we had finally reunited, there wasn't much to the place. I looked around the Rec Room, wasn't as impressive as I had hoped but it wasn't too bad. I then passed through the Main Lounge again to head to the cafeteria, seeing Yagami, Ebina, and Mei having a chat. Ebina smiled at me, most certainly happy to see me out of the room. I waved at the three and gave polite nods as I passed by, continuing to my original destination. Entering the cafeteria I spotted Sakura and Kaya sitting at separate tables, along with Malorie and Aoyama eating together. It was odd to see Aoyama not blabbering his head off, but it was apparent I had just missed something. Malorie was grinning like she won a fight and Aoyama was pouting, they must of had a face off and Malorie won. I chuckled as I turned my attention towards the kitchen. I heard mumbles of someone talking to themselves, peaking my head in full of interest. Surprised, I saw Hiro trying to follow a recipe book. His face scrunched up as he focused on the instructions. "Hey Hiro, what are you up to?" I asked, Hiro's eyes quickly shooting wide and dropping his utensils. I appeared to have startled him, causing him to drop most of what he had in his hands. "AH! Toda, please don't spook me like that. I get scared easily!" He shot out at me, before collecting his thoughts, "Anyways, to answer you question. Aiko was teaching me how to make a cake, but she needed to gather some things from the Storage Room so she left me to follow the recipe till she got back." He mumbled something else under his breath that I couldn't quite catch. He gathered his utensils again and gave them a thorough washing before using them again. "Well, would you like to hang out till she gets back...or I could even join you guys..." I trailed off, not wanting to be a nuisance. Hiro smiled, "Of course Toda! You're always welcome to hang with me! I love hanging out with new people!" I let out a small breath of relief, getting to work on gathering ingredients for Hiro. Over the course of the next half an hour or so we learned how to make a cake together, eventually Aiko joined us too! I feel like I grew a little closer to Hiro today! After bidding my farewells to the baking pair, I made my way back to Main Lounge, only to find a rather large group. It consisted of almost everyone else besides the ones still in the Cafeteria, even Miki was here! I was about to ask Miki what was happening when Kamino spun around to greet me, "Toda! I was just about to come find you!" I shot her a small inquisitive look before she continued, "I'm inviting everyone to a sleepover in the Rec Room! We're gonna have a game night and sleep all together! I already asked MonoFox too to make sure it wasn't against the rules!" she let out a large beaming smile, "Wow, she really put some thought into this before asking everyone willy nilly" I said to myself, "Uh sure...I'll go I guess" I said, rubbing the back of my head in slight embarrassment. I hope it's not an awkward time. Kamino let out a small shriek "Yay! All that's left is to ask Aiko, Hiro, Aoyama and Malorie! I wonder where they are..." she trailed off, I raised my hand and spoke. "I just came from the cafeteria, and they all were still in there or the Kitc-" before I could even finish Kamino ran down the hallway shouting a thank you of some kind. I turned back to the group, most of them already lost to their own conversations. I approached my sister, "Wow...she certainly has quite a lot of energy..." I remarked, causing Miki to let out a snort. I smiled, I hadn't heard her snort since we were kids. "She certainly does Toda...." she was silent for a moment before continuing, "I'm glad you left your room today Toda, I was getting a little worried." she admitted. She was looking at the floor, she always hates saying something she truly means while looking people in the eyes. I smiled and grabbed her hand, I may be taller, but she is still my older sister. I was suddenly enveloped into a hug, before she quickly released. "See you later tonight Toadie" she let out a small chuckled as she called me by my childhood nickname. I just smiled as she walked away.

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